Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Whats your story ?

Yes....its time to write a new chapter again..and the good news is ....the storyline is ALL in your hands....write it the way you want....let it be "YOUR" story....dont copy from another book...or refer to other authors...just write YOUR OWN STORY... ! Create the best situations...with the most loving people you know....and meet new beautiful souls....decorate your pages with the brightest of colours ....use rainbows and sunny skies as backdrop of your for joy....laugh , laugh and laugh...dont forget adorable puppies.....set the warmest weather ...with the coolest touch of breeze.....yes this is your by all means....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Crossroads passed :)

Yeah ...just last week i posted " what to do at crossroads?"....and within days i got the answer....and i have chosen the right path at my crossroad....the answer simply dawns to you when you let go of it....and then u stand is it that i did not see the obvious answer lying plainly right before my eyes.....yes you go by life's rule you begin to understand that the toughest decisions could be made with the most simple ways...yeah its weird but true....
try letting go a little...just let yourself blank in your mind ....empty your head.....and you will see all the answers you want flooding into its really does....its magical..
its just like can only float when you learn how to be relaxed and let go....otherwise you drown....nothing else had changed....same water...same place...same day ...same depth....but only one thing change...."You learnt how to let go" .......its just like that....
So be :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What to do at Crossroads ?

How do you choose when you are at crossroads....?

I realise that the hardest thing to do in life is to live a life that you believe in...while the world is constantly expecting and wanting something else from you....sometimes we want somethings just to fulfill the wants of others who of course think they are wanting the best for us and mean well but not realising they are obstructing the natural path of ones life....

so when such crossroads appears in your it selfish to choose the path you want for yourself....or are you to sacrifice that and try fake a living full of another person's dream ?? though i believe whatever you choose is your destiny....we still have to make a choice in the first place...and how do we do that? How do we find a balance...?

Anyone ?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my idea of fun.....

do we need to book a flight....take a 10 hours journey.....visit the most beautiful places of the world...touch the historic buildings...or just drive 10 mins from some beautiful souls who can make u laugh till u shed tears ...? yeah today ...i realise...its the most ordinary moments that stays in ur heart forever...
..when we laugh for no reasons... meet for no occasions.. chat with no topics...time simply doesnt apply...we dont feel an hour passing thats my idea of fun ! i wish to thank my beautiful friends , Prema, Suba, Kym, Sam, Mei Jun and Viji who have been giving those moments of joy abundantly...thank God i met is definitely lighter with laughters :)

Friday, December 11, 2009


Yes ...LOVE ALL SERVE ALL.....which part of the sentence that we still dont seem to get !
How much simpler can it be we need to read an entire Baghavad Gita, or the Bible or the Quran to know the meaning of those ...i think every religious scriptures in the world could sum up to ....LOVE ALL SERVE ALL.....why do we need 1000 stories and a few hundred characters and avatars to be memorized before we get the idea...?? Our hearts know the does , but we keep interrupting it with emotions that pretends not to see whats at the core...our souls..
Ive heard of this quote..." put an apple and a rabbit beside a baby.....n tell me if the baby chooses to play with the apple and eat the rabbit ".......yeah a baby will not do it...coz a baby is pure past nor friends nor enemies....but just one thing...LOVE..!! ..and thats why Hindus always say BABIES ARE GOD....and not surprisingly GOD is LOVE!
And what happens to this pure soul made of LOVE that we are born with....where has it gone..? How far has it gone from us...can we even see the glimpse of it ?? No...we have buried the poor soul beneath layers upon layers of selfish and greedy personal needs...that PURE LOVE is suffocating itself.....
And pushes you so hard ...that you bang yourself in the head....and in that few moments...those layers of unwanted emotions cracks a little here and there....letting the Love beneath breath a little....after sometime ...your head heals...stops you start layering over love again....then Life pushes u a little see if would break away all the layers above the LOVE.....but again....we break only a few top layers...and still keep pure love buried...then God decides ....its time to HIT real HARD !!!.....then you breakdown and ask GOD....WHY ???????......and GOD is standing there mean you still dont get it .....gosh ...looks like ive got to take you another round ....reincarnate....till you get the idea.....
SO ......lets try break away those layers....we might not be able to do it with one life....but at least we can try reduce the number of lives we need to take before we break the last layer and become PURE LOVE !


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wished you were a Princess...??

Ever wished you were princess...?? To have it ALL ...? Treated like a queen?? To live in a Palace? Would life be PERFECT then ?

If you read The story of the Queen's childhood by her nanny, Marion Crawford " THE LITTLE PRINCESSES" its the story of Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, then you might change your mind . The story begins when they were aged 5 and 2.

And what did they have for a toy? Something which most of us would not even dare dream to have....yes, a Little House presented by the people of Wales with nicely matured garden growing up around it . The house was built to scale for children and its complete with every detail, curtains , plumbing that works, lights , a drawing room, oak dresser, bookshelves , even a kitchen with every possible utensils, cooking pots and canned goods ALL in miniature !!!!! The roof is restructured every 3 to 4 years to fit the growing princesses...!! Now...werent they the LUCKIEST KIDS On EARTH ??? But wait...

Guess what they longed for...

To be able to make friends with other children they see when they take a walk in the park ...the other children are almost mystic beings from a different world coz the princesses are never encouraged to play with them...

And what did they think was FUN ?

When the princesses saw people streaming out of the underground station , Elizebeth says " Oh dear, what fun it must be to ride in those trains " the nanny arranged with the Duke to let the children take a trip on the train. The children excitedly bought their own tickets ( which they thought was part of the fun) had tea out of tea cups , tea which you paid for with money , these were wanderful treats they thought. BUt this fun did not last long coz soon people started recognizing them and the crowds began to form. So a car was sent from the Duke's garage and they were brought home immediately. it too much for kids to ask for a train ride and a cup of tea they bought themselves?

Something which MOST of us do EVERY day...and think it is a hassle...let alone FUN!

SO...being a PRINCESS doesnt solve the problem...does it ? And we have no idea what others are going through no matter how PERFECT their life seem to appear..

So...its a fact that matter where they are in always lacking something ( Or so we think)...the truth is life is made WHOLE by fitting in ones imperfections with someone else's have something...and so do i ! You lack something and so do i ! So we are a huge jigsaw puzzle to be fitted together to make life WHOLE...lets keep working on it , and lets do it for FUN :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DEEP09@IPOH all begins with never ending ...washing...changing curtains...cushion covers...bedsheets...then making Muruku ...cookies and and more goes on for a month before the day arrives..

The day ALWAYS starts with Mutton curry...thosai, idli or idiappam ...ends with some fire crackers...

then you blink....and its all a day or has been that way from the very first deepavali you could recall....but we still do it over and over again for reason...its all Family time where Everyone tries to make it home no matter what the situation its on Deepavali you get to see all in one place...otherwise its just one or the other...thats what i LOVE Deepavali for ! its not the new clothes..its not the cookies or the parties...its just the Shower of Love you get around this time..:)

As for my deepavali...this year my cousins and i decided to prolong this one day celebration and brought it into a string of events for at least 4 days....we went bowling, movie and played games together...the entire family consisting about 20 us participated in these that ws fun. AT least it was not over in a day ...felt a little more satisfied .

Thanks to all my brothers and sisters....chittapas , chinnamas, mama's and atheys, atha, in laws and also not forgetting the adorable doggies :)

Had love filled week !

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chill , Paint & Dance ! (1)


Yeah..6 of us got together at Chilis for dinner...and i realised its not easy having dinner at Chilis...coz 3 of us were there early to reserve a table...and we waited ONE whole hour before we got a place...Prema,, Sam and i were there by 7.00 pm....and we were seated at the waiting area...for One hour....then the guy comes and says..." we have a table for 4...can u all squeeze in?"....and Prema goes...."NO we cant...!!" She would have punched his face for even asking...hahaha...especially after waiting an hour...we deserved a comfortable seating didnt we......? But since the other 3 of our friends werent there yet...we decided to wait a little longer....but its not that we were bored...we always had LOADS of stories to fill any amount of time...and finally we got it....yes !table for 6 ! Then he asks...."Smoking or non smoking?"...and we went in a chorus " WHAATEVER" !
And when all 6 of us were there....we were glad we din agree to the table for 4 since even the table for 6 was pretty small...but none of us felt uncomfortable since we were too busy LAUGHING ! .....usually we laugh for no reasons...but this time...we had the funniest stories shared by one of our friends. ( i wish i could mention it here...but it is a little personal...she'll kill me if i put it to safe my to ...* BEEEP * ) we started off with our appetizers....we thought the place was a little too noisy...we coudnt hear our own we practically had to shout out to each other....but then slowly by the end of it....i believe...our voices drowned the entire place...we laughed our heads off...seriously....Suba was holding her stomach as it cramped with too much laughing.......and i had tears ! Believe me it was too funny ! Then....all 5 of us took our Hps out at the same time....coincidently....why?....we suddenly rmbrd our husbands...oddly at the same time was sleeping with his baby at home....2 was on the way was waiting for the wife to call so he can come fetch her....haha....yeah so we decided it was time to go... we are planning the next laughing therapy session...cant wait to see them again..:)

My house has been all BEIGE for too decided to splash some colors on it....was worried how it might turn out....but Thank God....I LOVE it ...Though it wasnt easy to paint red....Nantha had to give it 5 coatings before we got the right tone. But it was worth it !

And as for dance.....i decided to skip class that weekend....since there was a lot more to do...the final touches to the house....some deepavali cleaning and all... was a Vibrant long weekend !!! Had a good time !

Friday, September 11, 2009


I have been wanting to share my experience in tracking down the "ROOTS" but this book had left me so overwhelmed ...that i didnt know where to begin. Anyone born in the 70's and 80's would remember the name " KUNTA KINTE"...and the glimpse of his life story....but anyone who dared read the book...will have an impact so strong on humanity or to be correct INHUMANITY that you cant help despising the cruel side of humankind. Its totally appaling !

It was funny that at some parts like ...when Kunta Kinte tries to escape from his master for the 3rd time after being brutally beaten up for the first 2 attempts...i will be hoping he runs away before the master realises that he is missing....hahaha....i was hoping to change the history...but i cant help it....i SO wanted him to run away...that i wished i could vanish into the book like Narnia and rescue him !!! But no....that doesnt happen does it....God gives ONE n ONLY ONE chance let it be for the GOOD or the BAD....whats done is turning he got caught again.... this time the master decides to chop his foot off !!! Arrrgggh....why din he run faster i would think something which took place in the 1750s...hahaha..But the inspiring part he was running the whole night and into the next day....he stops for his sundown prayers ( as he is a Muslim) would we...being chased by a few hungry fierce dogs and a master who is ready to kill you ,pause at any point endagering yourself to pray ? Now thats what you call FAITH ! He still BELIEVED GOD would find him the FREEDOM which was a fairy tale at that point of time....and it must have been those thousands of faithfull prayers which carried the vibes to President Lincoln who finally signed to FREE THE SLAVES in 1863.

And justice was finally done to Kunta Kinta and the other tens of thousands tortured slaves
when Obama became the took like 8 generations of prayers to make that change..! So persistency wins !!

Though the world today is no less cruel in many gives a lot of hope to see people finally coming to respect , understand and love each other breaking all barriers ! So lets not think that one person's prayer will not make a difference in the world....100 one person will create a lets be one of them...


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The God Of Small Things

"...Rahel groped behind the row of books and brought out hidden things. A smooth seashell and a spiky one. A silver crucifix on a string of beads. Baby Kochamma's Rosary. She held it up against the light. Each greedy bead grabbed its share of sun ........"

Yes...thats just one beautiful line out of the hundreds in this book. What an amazing way to describe the reflection of the sun light on the beads....Each greedy bead grabbed its share of believe me....EVERY line in this 321 page book is filled with such words...She created a new English through this book...simply amazing.

As we walk along the road....all we see is the trees, buildings or people and cars maybe...but the author has seen way BEYOND the tiniest of things that the rest of us overlook....the story is simple was the details given to it....that made all the difference...

How would you explain dead fish floating in a river...?

Listen to this ...

"Despite the fact that it was June, and raining, the river was no more than a swollen drain now. A thin ribbon of thick water that lapped wearily at the mud banks one either side, sequined with the occasional silver slant of dead fish.....Once it had the power to evoke fear. But now its teeth were drawn, its spirit spent. It was just a slow, sludging green ribbon lawn that ferried fetid garbage to the sea."

Hmm....this is a river in the town named Ayemenem , Kerala (India) she is talking about . The whole story is set in this state on the southernmost tip of India. Now...if at all i see a dead fish floating in a river ...cant help seeing it as sequins !

And the essence of the story is of course on the GOD OF SMALL THINGS.....which to my understanding our daily life...we face hundreds of small and so on....and when we are so indulged in the VERY small things...we somehow MISS out the truly BIG its important to keep our focus on the Big the Small things will naturally fall in its place...

This book has won the Englands most prestigious literary award, The Booker Prize in 1997. Its written by an Indian Author, Arundhati Roy.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chill , Paint & Dance !

looking foward to the rare combination of Chilling out....Painting and dan dancing over this weekend...since its a long weekend with Monday being public holiday. So have got EXTRA TIME to fill with fun...
Friday will be for friends...bout 7 of us planning to meet up for dinner at Chillis...and of course...that means...we are going to be LAUGHING and LAUGHING for no reasons as usual....
Then...saturday is going to be PAINT PAINT PAINT.....yes...! Painting the house !!! Pretty excited bout that...have bought the paint ...this time not just beige and creams...going a little wild with reds...! WISH ME LUCK !
Sunday....will be dance class....i wander how many are actually going to turn up for class since monday is a holiday....
Then Monday meeting up friends for dinner and movie... :)
Ok then....will get back with the report on these events next week ....!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last nite....i was at home alone when my friend / Neighbour Suba came over to the house for a visit....we were suppose to take an eve walk.....but there was a strom just decided to sit at home over a drink and chat.....she came about 7.30pm....and we started CHATTING away...non stop....till all of a sudden it was 10 PM....and i was amazed how the 2 1/2 hour passed in a blink !
As i recalled our topics ....i realised we covered a pretty wide range of things....hahaha....from Dance LAw of Attraction ...peoples behaviours....politics....having more...
WOW ...we covered quite a lot din we....and yes not forgetting...the laughters.. :)
Cant help thinking how we can control time just by filling it with some simple happenings....just where you are...and it makes ALL the difference :)
Thanks to my good friend :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pocket-Sized Accomplishments

Went back to dance class after almost an 8 months interval ! I thought i will be aching all over when i wake up the next by now the body would have relaxed and become lazy....but surprisingly i felt very normal and now i got the confidence to build up my stamina again.....funny thing is ....i am no "DANCER"...of any sort....not flexible enough, not expressive enough...but still, i have been dancing all my life simply for fun and for the love of the art itself....cant seem to stop...felt almost GUILTY not going to class though my dance school is not going miss me in thats one of my
Pocket-sized accomplishments...that i have successfully pulled myself along this otherwise dusty routine life....and made the journey doing something
And of course the "buy one free one" effect of learning indian classical dance is that ....u are constantly treated with beautiful heals every wound so gently...that it doesnt even leave a mark anymore....
And here i MUST thank my hubby for all his support in letting me do it ....i know he appreciates the dance simply because i love it ....and for that I LOVE YOU :)

Monday, August 3, 2009


Last weekend i went for a show "BHAKTI" meaning DEVOTION. This is an indian classical dance performance by the dance school Nritya Kalanjali established in originally in Ipoh.
The dance Guru, Sudha Sasikumar or how i always call her " Sudha ka" the most DEDICATED guru i have seen. I first met her when i was just 15 . She was also just 20 years old herself beautiful as she still is now ! I immediately fell in love with her humble appearance...she is ALWAYS in cotton salwar kameez...whether at home or outside..her lovely locks tied up in with a simple hair clip and the only make up would be her kajal.

At that time, i was attending sangeetham classes ( indian classical music ) which was conducted on saturday mornings at the beautiful Kallumalai temple in Ipoh. Sithra (my cousin)and i went for these classes...our guru was Mr Kulaseelanathan from India. And Sudha ka and Master Santiago ( another dance teacher, who at that time wasnt my guru yet ) also attended these sangeetham classes. Thats when we got to know her better and we would be constantly admiring both of them ...she and Master Santiago....

And one uncle who also attended the sangeetham classes with us...suggested we have a little unofficial performance after the class....he requested Sudha ka and Master Santiago to dance for the song " Alaipayuthey Kanna" and our sangeetham teacher to sing it for them. And they did it...! there was no instrumental back lighting.....just the vocal and the dance...!!! And i was Speechless....we fell in LOVE with the dance and the dancers too !! My heart learn it....knowing my father was against it...i felt i was in tears for not being able to move along with that beautiful melody the way they were !....that picture of them dancing simply in salwar kameez and kurta with no rehearsals or practices was surreal.......simply pure !

And eversince that day...the thought of learning dance was stuck to my intensely that i would cry everytime i see someone else perform. Thats when Sudha ka....started her Bharatha Natyam classes at her house and my other 2 cousins (twins), Malini and Rubini were learning from her. Gosh...i had sleepless nights....thinking if i should take the chance and ask my father since now i have a back up reason which is 2 cousins are going so why not me !...and guess what? it WORKED !!! it was like the heavenly gate opening up for me....and of course i was a good reason for Sithra to join as well we all went together...the four of us...

Then started the .....endless....thaiya thaiya thei thei tham sequences at Sudha ka's house in Bercham Ipoh. I waited all the 5 other days just for the 2 magical days at her place....and from there we slowly picked up the adavus....and Alaripu and jathiswaram...and we were enjoying it sooo much.....till it came to Patham of course....oH NO ...EXPRESSIONS !! And we had one other MAJOR problem.....Sasi uncle ( Now Sudha ka's husband) will be there in the house watching the class....! and we would be sooo uncomfortable....unable to do expressions at all !....I am pretty amazed that Sudha ka never slapped our DUMB faces ...she was too patient...hahaha...!

Hmm well....then ..wen i was 18 years old...i received a birthday card from Sudha ka....and i was sooo touched by it...i remember i was at home...that morning...when my uncle came and passed it to me... ( sudha ka was working at my uncle's law firm then ) since that day i became even closer to her....Sithra and i actually adored her ! Then she got married....and had later left to KL....we were pretty crushed when we learnt that she was moving to Kl....and thats when we shifted to Master Santiago's classes....then...Nithya who was 4 years old....joined us all5 of us will go to class together ...twice a week ! Thank god all our houses are only 5 mins drive from each we all went in one car....driven by either Nithyas mom or Sithra's father....

So thats how the next 10 years passed again.....back to campus.......

This routine came to a halt when i got married....and ended up in KL...and again i longed for the dance....till Sutra opened its heavenly gate again in my life....and i fell in love with Odissi ! And the 3 years as a student there had made ALL the difference in my life...i LOVE my life in KL just for the reason i was able to be in Sutra ! I prefered everything else in IPOH ...hahahaha...

hmmm...anyway...coming back to Sudha ka....even after she had to move permanently to KL....she travelled tirelessly every week to Ipoh to conduct classes....and she has been dancing all her life....with all the commitments of being a mother , wife, daughter and sister....isnt that GREAT ! yes a big thank you to Uncle Sasi who had been supporting her all the while...simply because he loves the art form too !

And now at the show.....Bhakti appropriate the name ....i saw her perform again....with her 2 lovely talented daughters....I pray that God would bless her family forever ! And as personal note to Sudha ka....." Thank you for opening the new path to my life' i cant imagine what kind of person i would have been if not for the magical influence of the GREAT ART FORM ! it definitely makes a reformation of the soul...pushing you a little closer to its natural order... and for that...

Thank you Sudha ka....LOVE u lots !

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Unlocking the soundproof room..

Hmm i was thinking....

We are made out of a SUDDEN....get a heart beat out of NO WHERE...we start breathing effortlessly as though we have been doing it all our lives ..then we come into this world and minute by minute...hour by by day and year by year...we start forgetting our natural self...we forget that we started walking ....speaking...singing...dancing....playing ...all by ourselves..we did not need schools to teach that ...we had no rules to examples...nothing...we walked simply because we DIDNT THINK WE CANNOT. Now thats the SUPER POWER called INSTINCTS ...we were okay for as long we were guided by the instincts...we were doing ABSOLUTELY GREAT !!!

THEN ????

The whole trouble starts...we start imitating our parents or any adults ...we start listening to what they have to say...we go to school...we follow RULES...and we try to FIT into ONE CULTURE...we start living to meet expectations of people around us and suddenly one day we realise...the INSTINCTS have stopped guiding us...coz we dont listen anymore...our heads are CONSTANTLY BUZZING with thoughts generated by the outer world...that we COMPLETELY STOP looking within for the answers....

THEN ????

We start complaining that things go wrong in our life...? do u aspect it to be right when we WONT LISTEN to our INSTINCTS which at that moment is most likely SCREAMING out helplessly from a sound proof room trapped too deep down our heart
But NO ! we dont EVEN hear this SCREAM coz our heads are BUZZING with thoughts...

THEN ???

We obviously take the wrong actions...we make the wrong decisions...we walk the wrong ways...and it all gets knotted into a messy path...and suddenly we are LOST !!!! and we stand mystified asking ourselves "HOW ON EARTH DID I GET HERE ??

THEN ???

Our hearts starts SEARCHING for the bumps into an answer which leads to MORE we search again...and the process goes on and on...till one final MOMENT u see the SPARK...!!

THEN ???

That tiny spark leads you to the new start seeing things see everything thats going on behind the after another...the world reveals itself...NOW u get excited...and say " GOOD DID i MISS THIS ?"...

Then ???

The magical journey begins...the journey called LIFE! WE unlock the soundproof room and let our INSTINCTS guide us again...!!

Then ??

i really dont know then what ....i cant see beyond this level yet...i hope to see more !!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Somewhere last week...i suddenly had this thought...

" Wouldnt it be great if theres was an anaesthesia for the heart??" i decided to put this question on my Facebook as my status : and the respond was pretty i thought i would share the conversation here....


Chocky : U can always get a tiny non lethal dosage every now and then .... it is FOC ...

ME : True....

ME : u meant "Love" ?..errm...i assumed thats wat u meant and said true...hahaha...

Chocky: actually NO .... love excites the heart ... not numb it ....

ME : very wats that tiny non lethal dosage FOC u r talking about huh? hahaha....i would love to kno... :)

Pavithra : want to know too...

Chocky : "I-G-N-O-R-A-N-C-E ------ I Give No One Reasons And No Craps Either .... hehehehhehe"

ME : hmm interesting....i was thinking...only lots of pain can numb u from further Pain itself IS the Anaesthesia to Pain...once u had enough dosage of it....u wil be free of pain :) ooops sorry i kno u said NO CRAPS...but i cant help it ! hahahaha....

Chocky : Pain is the catalyst to more Pain...Anasthesia is a temp relief, and it is Expensive and need prescriptions from the doctors....CRAPS is ... Cussing, Raving, Arguing, Pissing, Swearing ... that provides much anedote for many symptons tht may lead to Pain, but if there is NO CRAPS ... well .... it is a silent protest that nobody can retorts ... hehehehehhe :o)"

ME : Waah Chocky...! u are getting quite technical with this ...i cant keep up la... :0 .... but i wil try ...hahahahaPain is always a choice ma...... its up to us to choose between being HAPPY / In PAIN / NUMB so its the MIND that decides isnt it ? can i say....the MIND determines the dose of anaesthesia we give ourselves....?

Chocky : "When your mind battle with the heart .... I wish you all the best in deciding what to do next hehhehehhee :o)"

Lavania : "Yes... that would be awesome! I wish i could remove it and keep it in somewhere safe... with reinforced, state of the art steel chambers... and yet everytime i feel love... it feels sooooooooooo good... how can i not have a heart?"

Chocky : "Hi, Lavaniya , May i suggest tht you use titanium coating istead of the state of art steel chambers Titanium is 45% lighter than steel, 2x stronger than aluminum. Now you will be protected and also light hearted. :o)"

Me : Yes feels good to love because the heart was designed just for that....and theres pain everytime we try to install something else... :) BRILLIANT idea chocky!!! erm but i guess we would behave like transformers then....strong but compassionate huh?....hahhahaha....

Chocky : Earth People .. welcome to Crankopots .. Together we stand in strong Anaesthesistical alliance against the rutheless Emoticons of the world. hehehehehehehhe .... TRANSFORM@-@ .... :O)

Lavania : "you guys are funny! i understand the much pain = numbness= no pain.... been there done that! and chocky you're a wise man! ... and wise words are normally difficult to understand! hehe.. and you're funny too :)"

Me : woooops....Chocky not only that we have transformed into have now become a MAN ??....hahahaha

Lavania : so what's your transformers name chocky n anu? mine is Titaniumite :)

Lavania : chocky is a girl? oh sorryyyyyyy!

Chocky : We Crankopotians, we aint sexual prejudice ... A Man in translation means strong mentally and physically, thus it is a compliment. As much as I would be complimented in been called Insane , for insanity is fun without boundaries of fear. heheheheheheheh

Lavania : chocky... you're awesome... man, women or trans.. !!!

Chocky : Titaniumite, u have a heart of gold, and how precious u

Lavania : anu, r u going for ramli's performance today?

ME : Hahaha Titaniumite ..u brought me back to earth....hmm no i cant make it today la.... wish i could... :( r u going..?

Chocky : when u all are in need of aid .. shout for me ... I ... am .... OptimaCrank .... :o)Back to wiping off Psychopatians .....

Lavania : OptimaCrank the leader of the crankopots, defender of the universe! Hehehe

Lavania : Titaniumite will be going for Ramli's performance tonite... have to protect master Ramli witwicky!

Chocky : We will be watching over you, Titaniumite. Our Titaniums are with u.I think Anu is remaining as our Earthlinks. Hehehehehhee

ME : Hey noo...i was just away checking if our new base on earth was safe for the Crankopots...CLEAR !! This is PrimeShield reporting for the crankopotians frm earth...stay tuned :)

Chocky : Well done, PrimeShield ....Command Centre is ready for all transmission.You will man the Earth Base..While, Titaniumite will protect master Ramli witwickyTogether with my fellow Crankopotians, we will keep a keen look out for Psychopatians ....

ME : Hey crankopots , Our conversation has been bugged !!Suspect detected : PAVITHRA DEVI ( follow the thread to identify) Calling Pavithra, do you hear the crankopots ? please identify urself or we will be out to defend the Earth again !---PrimeShield ----

Lavania : Titaniumite reporting for duty... Good CRANKS fellow Crankopots... WELCOME ONBOARD PRIMESHIELD! You man the earth base well! The suspect Pavithra devi, GONE?My assignment...successful! Master Ramli Witwicky... SAFE.. the audience screened... and the earthlings mesmerized! The message sent "the cosmic energy pulsating thru every beat of life on earth" Some got the message, others ignorant bliss. We are discrete in trying to enlighten these EARTHLINGS!!! The message shall NOT reach the Psychopathians

Master witwicky is off to OTTAWA, Canada…to transmitt the message to fellow earthlinks in the northern hemisphere. You have my pledge to keep him safe .

ME : Congratulations Titaniumite...your mission accomplished !Good to know Master Witwicky's message was well received !I am sure some of the audience would have had the EMOTICON impact ...its a good start to make more Crankopots lets wish him all the best in his mission in Canada ! As for the suspect Pavithra devi....still in passive danger detected...could be just an earthlink drawn to the vibes of super powered crankopots. will just keep an eye

Chocky : Congratulations to Titaniumite in protecting Master Witwicky.Well done Primeshield, u have done well at Command Centre.We must continue to monitor the hibernation of Pavitra devi. We would rather have 1 on our side, than on Psychopathians

PAvithra : oh my, what on earth? Now I am totally going into passive mode. U people made crankopots sound so intelligent.

And I am a suspect??? Of what, what could I possibly do to whatever robotics u people have turned into.

Buzzing OptimaCrank and Titaniumite :The mysterious earthlink has finally responded and appears to be utterly dazed.----PrimeShield awaiting further command from OptimaCrank in handling the suspect @-@

Chocky : She is civilian of the Earth. Protect at all time always.

PrimeShield and Titaniumite, with yr constant supervision, she will be safe from harm of Psychopathians.

PAvithra : I AM SAFE!!!!from the do u spell this word?

Chocky : Good day, Pavithra, this is OptimaCrank. The leader of Crankopots.
Why are you away from the sentry of Primeshield. It is late and you must not wander. Psychopathians maybe lurking around ... they are dangerous.

Pavithra : i think primeshield is fast asleep instead of taking care of me.These psycho things what do they do?

Chocky : Psychopathians hurt earthlings in many ways, they know. Besides physical inflictions, they also induce mental and emotional disturbance. We are aware of its existence zillion existence years of Planet.

PAvithra : Boss, opppps, optimacrank.... primeshield is still sleeping. No one to babysit me!!!!!

Chocky : Worry not Pavithra, visual scan done at yr perimeters and enforced security. No Psychopathians on radar. I have taken the privilege to check yr database, and u r not alone. U r guarded by a knight of yr choice :o)

Primeshield is not on duty today. On Earth, u have rule for rest day. We observe yr rituals and respect them :o)

Anuratha : PrimeShield reporting for duty - Good to kno Pavithra is well acquainted with you OptimaCrank. I was on "Non Appearance" mode for the past 2 days as i was trying to stay undercover to capture more psychopaths. Thanks for taking charge on my behalf. I will take over from now.
(And Pavithra... crankchocopots!!????? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ....)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


All the while most of us thought life is getting simpler day by day having human beings creating so many things to make life simpler....machines, robots, phones and almost everything controlled by computers....sensors...water flows out of the tap without having to turn it on....toilet flushes by itself....doors opens by itself....bills are paid conferencing, autopay machines, drive through counters and even a car that parks itself and endless other things made easier with less effort and life was supposedly becoming simpler right...but wait !!....r u sure about this...?!!! See if you feel the same way after reading whats below :

Theres an interesting fact discussed in the book Shantaram, listen to this......

"the first moments after that great expansion (the big bang) from the first fractions of the attoseconds, the universe was like a rich soup made out of simple bits of things. Those bits were so simple that they were not even atoms yet. As the universe expanded and cooled down these very tiny bits of things came together to make particles. Then the particles came together to make the first of atoms. Then the atoms came together to make molecules. Then the molecules came together to make the stars. Those first stars went through their cycles and exploded in a shower of new atoms. The new atoms came together to make more stars and planets. All the stuff we are made of came from those dying stars. We are made out of stars!

None of these processes, none of these coming together actions are random events. The universe has a nature to combine and to build and to become more complex !!!If the circumstances are right, bits of matter will come together to make more complex arrangements...thats how the universe works and this moving towards order has a name. In the western science it is called TENDENCY TOWARDS COMPLEXITY !! So the universe has been always more complex since it began. It has been getting more complex for about 15 billion years ....its moving towards something...somekind of ULTIMATE COMPLEXITY. We mite not get there niether will the atoms or a leaf or a man. ANd that final complexity that we are all moving toward to is what i choose to call GOD ! IF you dont like the word GOD, call it Ultimate Complexity....whatever you call it...the whole universe is moving towards it !"

As i read this part....i put the book away for a while ...too amazed at the fact and was thinking.....

So while the human beings are working around the clock to make life "easier"...we have failed to look behind the screen where the opposite is happening ....MY goodness !!!!! life is actually going both ways in the same path...!!! and when the day comes and it collides......ANOTHER BIG BANG !!! and another world created with different features how interesting is that ????

though its just a makes SENSE !!

this is an explaination i am hearing for the first time so me interesting !

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Michael & Ar Rahman

Heard from the tamil radio channel about Michael Jackson & AR Rahman meeting up after Ar Rahman received his Oscars...was good to know they had both worked together and was planning on somthing in the future too. Too bad time did not permit this best of best merge . And with the lesson we had from not appreciating Michael while he was still alive...we better support our very own Ar Rahman by all means and stand by him for further achievements in the music industry.

Got this info below from the internet can browse for more interesting facts about this two great entertainers .
"A R Rahman met Michael Jackson after the Oscars in Los Angeles and Michael asked him to compose a unity anthem for him... Michael's planned new album would have had a huge Indian feel to it... Michael was reportedly working with Adnan Sami, which was to include Indian musical instruments like the sarangi, tabla, and dholak," said an insider close to Rahman.
The unity anthem wasn't the first time the pair would have worked together, as they collaborated earlier on a track titled Ekam satyam.

Jackson was secretly also studying Hinduism in the last years.
"Michael reportedly learned how to meditate and he was a vegetarian. When he was presented statues of Hindu deities Ganesha and Nataraja, Michael knew who they were. He was also very anxious to meet Mother Teresa before her death. He had a great interest in all things India for some time," said Rajan Zed, the president of the Universal Society of Hinduism.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Ohh Michael...why ?

Its been a SAD day....the first thing i heard as i turned the radio on in my car as we were going to work this morning....was the confirmation of Michael Jackson's death ???....ANd Nantha n i looked at each other n went ... WHAT !!!!!!!?? and there came the truth from everywhere...internet...cousin....friends...and the hardest part was to listen to all his songs being played on almost all radio wasnt just was my childhood memories being played.....made me realise how big a part of my childhood was tied to Michael Jackson !!! when kids now demand ....going to games....theme parks and so on....all i needed was Michael Jackson at home in my humble cassette player....!!! I danced to his songs for hours....we memorized the lyrics which we got frm the back of the paper which is inserted in the cover of the cassette...yeah thats how we got the lyrics....and not from internets !

But to me....its had been so sad not just that he had died young or sudden or anything....its more about how he suffered all his life....isnt it an irony of life that a person who had earned 750 million and had several million fans to love ...was actually LONELY ?? So to all those who think money or fame can buy happiness ....please think twice...

in an interview of him as a child....he mentioned this " I only sing what i mean....if i dont mean it i will not sing it"....and he looked only about 8 years old there....isnt that an amazing statement from a can we say that he meant it when he sang...

" If you want to make this world a better place then take a look at yourself And make the change !"

and in another more recent interview when he was asked about sharing his room with boys ...with so much sadness in his eyes he says..." Whats wrong in sharing your love with children....? Dont you share with kids you love....even if they are not your own...? " goodness that was soooo sad....

He also mentioned that he had struggled a lot as a child...and when he was asked .." Did ur father beat you?".....he paused for a second....forced a faint smile and nodded saying...."yes he did" now thats SAD :( me..this world is pretty cruel where...people do anything for attention and money...they dont mind killing even a star like Michael Jackson by ALL means !

I am not EVEN arguing about whether he really did those things he was accused of or not....i am just saying we are no one to judge anyone...and sometimes....somehow...human beings have the ability too see beyond a person's physical appearance....and be able to identify a pure me...thats what i see in him....i cant see anything evil behind that genuine smile....the painful smile despite being constantly humiliated by this INSANE world...

i guess GOD finally felt it was enough !!! May he rest in peace !

LOVE YOU MICHAEL !! The world had not had enough of you ! Wish you would come back !

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Hi...i have successfully added 30 extra minutes into my daily life...isnt that great i get to enjoy my good long hot shower ...pray in peace....and have a chat over breakfast....and wow what a difference it makes to the whole day....i feel more energy since i am not wasting it on rushing and worrying bout being late....hmm yes....i am waking up half hour earlier than usual. So i go to bed at 12 midnite.....and wake up at 6.30...yes !

And it feels great to stand at my balcony....with the chill wind...watching the ever creative it !!! it makes all the difference in keeping focused the whole day ....let it be work or personal...

But i hope i dont get back to my old timing.....ive heard that it takes 21days to make something a i have 19 days to go.....err of course minus the weekends la....hehehe..

BUt does make a difference when u wake up before the sun....! try it !

Friday, June 12, 2009

What to live without....

This question on Oprah got me thinking the whole day..." What would you dare live without for seven days ? "....

I saw hundreds of answers to that in her facebook...some said.... phone, electric , tv , books , meat , and even kids...hahaha...yeah i thought it was interesting to be reminded that there are things which we can live without. We are so addicted to some things that we have actually made ourselves slaves to these things...why not try taking control for once and see how it goes...?

What about a clock....we are so glued to timing ourselves based on the clock...that we have forgotten how to use the natural clock of our mind which usually is more accurate than any branded clocks in the world....have u experienced waking up just 5 seconds before the alarm goes off...!!! i have experienced this so many times...and it amuses me everytime to see how accurate the mind is...but we rush to the bathroom....come out n look at the clock to see how long we have got to dress up....then we look see how long we have to enjoy breakfast....then we look again as we enter the car...we look as we enter the office....we look again when its lunch time...and it goes on and on till we go to are we simply living around the clock beat time !!! Isnt life simply more then beating the clock !

Ok i am going to try not looking at the clock from tomorrow morning and see how i feel....wish me luck !!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

How do you cry ? do you cry...? R u the question usually is " Why do you cry?"....but i am not making a mistake here....i am asking " How do you cry?"....

At the end of Part II , Shantaram theres a line ...

" Sometimes we cry with everything but tears "

Wow ! what a thought...and how true it is...yes...a lot of things happens when people start crying with other then tears...Hellen Keller being deaf and blind chose not to cry with tears but to chase the unquenchable hope to escape her difficult days and became internationally famous at the age of ten, and remained to be the most inspiring human being ! DEAF N BLIND....take a min to imagine it not difficult even to picture it...? yes it is...but she learned language so well that she graduated with a BA in English...and she has written books do u explain a blue sky to someone who cant see it and cant hear ur could she relate colors in her writings....? How do u explain sweet music to some one who cant hear it...?....Now i dunno if i marvel the ability of Helen Keller or the teacher, Anne Sullivan who was able to get these ideas and facts into the darkness of her silent mind ...

"before my teacher came to me i did not know that i am" . " I lived in a world that was no-world, My mind was in a state of anarchy in which meaningless sensations rioted"

....says Keller in her book, The World I Live In.

"MY darkness had been filled with the light of intelligence and , Behold, the outer daylight world was stumbling and groping in social blindness"

She devoted most of her adult life to work for the blind, was a strong advocate for the blind and deaf visiting over 35 countries and publishing 14 books about her experiences which was translated to more than 50 languages.

She also said ....

" Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and i learn, whatever state i may be in, therein to be content"

" Technically we know how to prevent blindness...but socially we do not know how. Socially we are still ignorant"

So...thats how Hellen Keller cried...!
Anyone in search for inspiration should read her autobiography....

And there are endless list of people who have cried with everything but tears...Mandela cried by fighting against apartheid...Martin Luther King cried by committing to a struggle to end racial segregation...Mother Theresa cried by lending her hand out to all those who needed a touch of love....and there are thousands of people around the world crying in some little ways to make this world a better place.... do i cry...?

I am no Theresa nor Hellen Keller....but in my own little ways ....i have chose to cry not with tears but.....with love...a little act of love no matter how small towards anything and anyone in the world stirs the stillness into reverbrations of multiplied love ....

Hmm....well HOW DO YOU CRY ?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A new beginning indeed !

The Quran says "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth"....and this is what i will do today says Obama in the beginning of the speech in Cairo University , Egypt....just when i was thinking myself that anything he says must come from his heart as he doesnt have any notes or references ...and not a single '' er...hmm"...or whatsover in between the entire 50 mins speech...i think one can only be that confident and clear of what they are saying if it comes from his heart and mind....otherwise its quite impossible. He sounds so genuine and determined.

Though the speech was intended for Muslim issues...whatever delivered was a wake up call to all religion and races of the world.

For example when he quoted another verse from Quran :

"Whoever kills an innocent is as if he killed whole mankind , whoever saves one person is as if he has saved all mankind"now doesnt this apply to human beings regardless of what religion they are...

He was fair with his ideas when it came to Israel and Palestinian issues....he did not take on anyones side but firmly pointed out this :

" the simple truth is Violence is a dead end, Hamas must recognize Israels right to exist and at the same time Israels must stop expanding the settlements"

And he calls the Jews , Muslim and Christians to join in prayer for Jerusalem.

I was it that simple...? No...not at all.....but at the same time....did anyone before Obama dare to even make an effort ?...No how do we know its impossible...Gandhi achieved the impossible in his first attempt of non violence in fighting for rights....when people thought it was impossible.....

Of course people are asking questions like...." would one speech make any difference"?..."Will there be a new beginning as Obama dreams to have"? but this is what i feel....

Anything aimed towards Peace...cannot go wrong for even just one person turning to peace is indeed a new beginning ...So having Obama all for peace...already marks a new beginning....and as citizens of the world we all carry the responsibilities and should in the least tiniest way contribute to this one man's dream to make a better world....lets pray for the best...!

Obama quoted this towards the end of his speech...

From the Holy Bible :


Obama is definitely one :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The white rabbit !!!

it was 2001....end of august....i wake up one morning....both terrified and puzzled....i had a dream ( a nightmare to be exact ) my dream i am standing at lush green field....facing a lake....and over the other side of the river there are buildings....and there stands a twin i stand there watching the skies....i see a dark greyish jet flying towards one of the tower....n i start screaming...." OH NO OH NO....its going to crash....Oh GOd no !!!....and it does... ! it crashes into the building....n as i stand there numb with fear n shock......i see another plane flying the same way n crashing into the towers again.....i coudnt believe my eyes.....n someone is standing beside me.....n i said to him...." this doesnt look like an accident.....its done on purpose"....then as the plane crashed....lots of debris and sharp objects comes flying towards me.....and i squat down in fear.....once the explosions subsides.....i open my eyes n i see a white rabbit on the field where i am standing.....i run to it n see that its hurt....lots of little thorn like stuff poking all over its body....and the rabbit is hurt i pick it up gently and carefully remove every thorn sticking to it....saying " we have to remove it one by one slowly..." once i am done....i put the rabbit down....and it hops off happily...

and i stand there.....proud that i managed to safe the little white rabbit.....
i wake up....i sit on my bed thinking..." what the hell was that all about" !! ....i tell my hubby bout my dream....then i call my cousin Sithra....n tell her " beware !....our petronas twin tower might be bombed"...i also call my friend Pavithra to tell her the same ....thats because i so often get dreams that actually comes true ....but we just laughed bout this dream n forgot about it till....
after 2 weeks mom came down to stay with me over the weekend....and we were all having dinner at my house.....when my hubby gets a sms frm a friend asking to watch CNN.....he goes and swtiches on the tv....while i am chatting away with my mom....and suddenly my hubby says..." OH my god ....come watch this !! "

I get up n walk to the Tv and when i saw what was on the screen....i shivered !!!! not so much for what was happening there.....but for it was Deja vu.....i had seen the EXACT pic just 2 weeks before.....i still cant get over this ( till now)....a hundred times i asked myself "what was the did the vibrations get to me?"....when at that time i wasnt even aware of Al qaeda....Osama.....terrorist or whatsoever...i din even realise the twin tower of US was located in such a place surrounded by water.....

That was the first time i started completely believing that the entire world (or universe to be precise) interconnected....the vibrations passes through every living being or thing of the world...n our mind is a SUPER POWER that can transmit such vibes frm anywhere to everywhere within seconds...
Well i am used to dreaming of things bout what was going to happen to family n friends....but 9/11 was too much to take...till today i cant watch the video of the attack nor can i watch the movie 9/11....i still shiver when i see it....
its so amazing.....the vibrations !!!!
Oh and about the white rabbit ..?....this is what i understand.....after this attack the implications are going to be bad....but if its handled patiently with care n love....eventually there will be the white rabbit is the symbol of our world....hmmm good to kno it is safe in the end though :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just How MUCH do we take for granted !

Have been lingering around IJN ( National Heart Institute, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) quite often these pass few both my in laws were admitted for heart disorders...and while i am there....i see infants as young as new born being taken in for treatments ......and i cant help looking at the helpless parents shattered they look and yet walking along with nothing but HOPE that the child survives....the parents would have dreamt , longed and anticipated their bundle of joy to arrive just like any other parents...not knowing whats coming their how do they handle it...? i guess the human mind adapts anything that comes their way naturally and begins to live with it.... i watch these parents and their fragile babies .... i cant help THANKING GOD for ALL the goodness i have....if at all i missed saying thanks at any point of my life....i have Sinned !!....Life has been too good to me....and all i can do as appreciation is to give LIFE back something that's within my reach and capabilities....
To those who share my feelings.....dont wait to do the BIG things ....start matter how small....just keep doing anything u makes a difference....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Continuum Fingerboard

"people should serve people" .......says A R Rahman when asked about his view of last nites interview showed on CNN, TalkASia by Anjali Rao. How true that one line he uttered....let it be politicians , doctors, clerks or whatever....the basic intention is to serve ....isnt it....if everyone feels this would the world be....i wonder....

Anyway...." It is boring if theres no music" he says....when asked about his holidays....he says even during the break he needs music. Are u surprised ?....

Then he takes Anjali to his music studio built in his humble looking house...and demonstrates an instant music making session....just sits at his keyboard ...closes his eyes n simply plays.....a NEW TUNE fills the room....and it sounds so awesome.....Anjali looked astonished and asked him ..." Did u just make that up??"....he nods it was as easy as skipping is to the rest of us...! Anjali had no words....her eyes would have popped out....i mean....God must have mistakenly put a Magical Harp in his head instead of the lump of brains most of us got....

Then he shows this latest instrument used in his music looked simply like a long rectangle box with flat red surface on the strings...nothing....just attached to the sound system....and he rubs his fingers on it.....MY GOD ...! the sound was so divine...he said it can even be used to play indian classical music.....those of you who loves browse the net on " THE CONTINUUM FINGERBOARD".....its amazing....

His two Oscars were on a table in the living room.....amongst loads of other awards everywhere in the house....and he says..." I have lost some of the process of moving house" was like us saying....i misplaced one of my books .....that easy big deal....haha...

N about the oscars ...he says " Well it made the people so very happy....the fans and everyone around the world i thought ...why not take it " Hahaha....what is this man made of.....its TWO OSCAR AWARDS in one night....n he is not at all shaken by pride ....still so humble....! A true human indeed....may god bless him and his family...may he bring joy to everyone in the world with his healing music....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monkeys & Puppies

Recently i went on a family trip to Pangkor Island ( a small Island in the State of Perak, Malaysia) and as we were going on round the island tour , our van passed through a road going steeply uphill with very sharp the van slowed down at one point...and as i looked out of the window....i spotted a few monkeys playing with their new friend....a PUPPY !!! I was amazed at how much in harmony they seemed to they even know they are of different species...i wonder....ohh how i wish i snapped a photo ....but the van moved away as i was still amazed....the much bigger sized monkeys could have easily killed the poor little puppy....but they didnt ! They in fact took a break from their game n paused to look at us ( the true monkeys) passing by in the van.....

i wonder....would they have been thinkin..

"look ! there goes a bunch of human beings ( so called ) who cant stop fighting among themselves....they call themselves civilized ...and they are yet to find the connections ....."

Monday, May 18, 2009


Ive been reading Shantaram....WOW what a just at Part II....and its already so interesting....we have been accustomed to listening to wise and noble words from the dignified human having a guy who has been sentenced to 20 years of prison talk about vibrations and law of attraction is indeed refreshing....
This Australian guy....a "Criminal"....escapes frm the prison and find his soul.....guess where....?.....INDIA of course....!!!
I always use to think i maybe biased when it comes to India....since i am an Indian....i find this country so AMAZINGLY MYSTERIOUS....but now while reading this book...hearing it from an Australian who had stepped into India for the first time .....proves that what connected me to this country is not the RACE issue.....its just the NATURE of this mystical land.....magnetically drawing all souls into it.....

my best moments....

Reading and dancing has been my passion for the same reason...both shuts the elusive "LIFE" away while letting the moments of it take control...for its IMPOSSIBLE to worry over the ugly pimples while you are dancing nor is it possible to think about what your hairstyle should be while you are indulged in reading. SO it makes you stay in the moment of it...just HAPPINESS!

This happens coz the human mind is amazingly designed to be able to HOLD just one thought at a time....OHHh....what a GIFT !!....but then again we make use of it...?

connected in moments....

well....yes why not ?.....i am no celebrity ...even my neighbour doesn't know my name....even so, the idea of being connected to the world without any obligations or restrictions attracted me into this world of blogging....just for the sake of sharing some moments of here i am .....again....drifted by the powerful current of thoughts that rushed into my head this very moment.....
will stay in the flow....