"...Rahel groped behind the row of books and brought out hidden things. A smooth seashell and a spiky one. A silver crucifix on a string of beads. Baby Kochamma's Rosary. She held it up against the light. Each greedy bead grabbed its share of sun ........"
Yes...thats just one beautiful line out of the hundreds in this book. What an amazing way to describe the reflection of the sun light on the beads....Each greedy bead grabbed its share of sun.....wow....and believe me....EVERY line in this 321 page book is filled with such words...She created a new English through this book...simply amazing.
As we walk along the road....all we see is the trees, buildings or people and cars maybe...but the author has seen way BEYOND the tiniest of things that the rest of us overlook....the story is simple ...it was the details given to it....that made all the difference...
How would you explain dead fish floating in a river...?
Listen to this ...
"Despite the fact that it was June, and raining, the river was no more than a swollen drain now. A thin ribbon of thick water that lapped wearily at the mud banks one either side, sequined with the occasional silver slant of dead fish.....Once it had the power to evoke fear. But now its teeth were drawn, its spirit spent. It was just a slow, sludging green ribbon lawn that ferried fetid garbage to the sea."
Hmm....this is a river in the town named Ayemenem , Kerala (India) she is talking about . The whole story is set in this state on the southernmost tip of India. Now...if at all i see a dead fish floating in a river ...cant help seeing it as sequins !
And the essence of the story is of course on the GOD OF SMALL THINGS.....which to my understanding means....in our daily life...we face hundreds of small incidents...events....happiness....dissapointments....satisfaction and so on....and when we are so indulged in the VERY small things...we somehow MISS out the truly BIG THINGS....so its important to keep our focus on the Big Things....so the Small things will naturally fall in its place...
This book has won the Englands most prestigious literary award, The Booker Prize in 1997. Its written by an Indian Author, Arundhati Roy.
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