Sunday, February 28, 2016


Just finished reading this book and as always its been another unlearning process with Osho. While we think its important to learn about life, OSHO makes you realise again and again that all you need to do is "Unlearn" because we all come into life as natural beings with all that we need to be happy for the rest of our life but unfortunately we are distracted by the so called "learning" process which shapes us into everything but our nature!

This is book is mainly his interpretations of Taoist message of self-realization through the stories of the chinese mystic, Chuang Tzu.
3000 years ago, these messages has been available and yet human kind have been missing it again and again, centuries after centuries, and we have gone so far with the mind that its almost impossible to see how simple life is when its natural. Nothing is natural anymore. And i am not not talking about technology...let technology be there. I love the technology but the problem is, we have completely forgotten our nature. Once we are reminded of our true self, technology will get us even further! But we are stuck somewhere in our own web struggling to free ourselves. 

Such books are alarm clocks that screams life into our deadly routine! Waking us up to life as it is! And we begin to see for the first time. Whether we are the richest person around or a beggar on the streets, we all have one natural cycle to is called LIFE and DEATH. No matter which part of the world, no matter what the weather, no matter who is ruling, no matter what society believes, no matter what race you belong to, male or female ...everything maybe different from one person to another,  and yet we share the same cycle of LIFE and DEATH. No one escapes this basic quality of life. And how we deal with LIFE determines how we would face DEATH. 

We have such precious moments in hand and we go on waiting to live as though we have a part two coming up! What is it you want to do? DO IT NOW! LIVE IT NOW! stop wasting precious moments getting angry about things you cant change! For every one thing in your life which you cant change, you will have 10 other things which you can! So, focus on what you can change, and enjoy it! 

Life is too beautiful to be regretted for a few things that may have gone wrong. Theres so much to experience, so much to love, so much to learn, so much to see, so much to know!!

If you are still not convinced, try doing something you always loved but never did, for the first time! Anything! baking, sewing, reading, travelling, dancing, singing, painting, writing, wearing a saree, swimming, organizing a party, shopping, gardening or just whatever that you love! See how you feel about it...feel the energy it gives, feel the love growing with it. We are born to live, otherwise why are we here??? Nature couldn't have wasted so much time and effort creating something so amazingly beautiful to simply let us suffer through life! No, we are meant to live it all! Its our birthright! No one should be blamed if we don't live it but matter what the excuse we come up with, it is always US who has to decide! NO one else can breathe for you. We breathe, and live for ourselves!

So, start living today! Discover yourself! Live it and LOVE IT!  

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Love is the language of the soul. That's one reason why we are never able to express it through words. You can try saying over and over "I love you" and yet feel like it's just not enough. 

All parents would understand this when they look at their babies and try to say how much they love them and then decide to just hug them tight, for that will convey their love better than words. 

Most lovers go on saying, "i love you" like a hundred times a day...why so many times? it not enough to say it just once? Is it not understood if you say it once? They say it over and over simply because it just doesnt seem enough! Coz you can never be satisfied with words, simply because.....

Magic can only be conveyed by magic. 

Thats why people try all other ways, like giving flowers and gifts or taking them to beautiful places of nature to watch the sunset or a waterfall or to sit by candle lights and so on. They try to create something as magical as the feeling they have for someone. 

For me, the one thing i find to be closest to the feeling of love is music. I hardly remember any words my mother said to me when i was a child, but amazingly i still remember the lyrics and tune of the songs she used to sing as a lullaby every night when i was just about 4 years old! And whenever i happen to hear those songs on radio or tv now, i could so feel the love that comes with it! Music knows an amazing way to capture your love and mood which you can retrieve anytime you matter after how many years! It simply brings you back to the moment when you first heard it and makes you feel everything again!! You just have to close your eyes ,listen to it and travel back to the moment and experience it over and over again! The best time machine ever :)

So, if you want to experience such magic with your loved ones and wish to keep all the love you have stored so you could experience it again and again for life, simply add on the music to every moment of your life! Keep it recorded in music and it will last a life time! 

This year, we at Swara CAC are celebrating LOVE on Valentines Day with MUSIC. There will be no need for words nor roses coz with such magical musicians, you will be drawn right into your soul from where you will be able to convey your love not only to the person you brought along but to the entire universe and also feel all the love pouring back into you! It will be an experience you will cherish for life! believe me! you cant afford to miss this!  

Come experience the LOVE with us! And you will remember the moments FOREVER 

"Endless Love"
Featuring Maestro Samuel J Dass (SITAR) & Maestro Prakash Kandasamy (Tabla)

Venue: Kanagasabai Hall, Temple of Fine Arts, KL
TIME:  5PM to 7PM
Entrance by minimum donation of RM150.00
Exclusively for 130 people only!