The Quran says "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth"....and this is what i will do today says Obama in the beginning of the speech in Cairo University , Egypt....just when i was thinking myself that anything he says must come from his heart as he doesnt have any notes or references ...and not a single '' er...hmm"...or whatsover in between the entire 50 mins speech...i think one can only be that confident and clear of what they are saying if it comes from his heart and mind....otherwise its quite impossible. He sounds so genuine and determined.
Though the speech was intended for Muslim issues...whatever delivered was a wake up call to all religion and races of the world.
For example when he quoted another verse from Quran :
"Whoever kills an innocent is as if he killed whole mankind , whoever saves one person is as if he has saved all mankind"now doesnt this apply to human beings regardless of what religion they are...
He was fair with his ideas when it came to Israel and Palestinian issues....he did not take on anyones side but firmly pointed out this :
" the simple truth is Violence is a dead end, Hamas must recognize Israels right to exist and at the same time Israels must stop expanding the settlements"
And he calls the Jews , Muslim and Christians to join in prayer for Jerusalem.
I was it that simple...? No...not at all.....but at the same time....did anyone before Obama dare to even make an effort ?...No how do we know its impossible...Gandhi achieved the impossible in his first attempt of non violence in fighting for rights....when people thought it was impossible.....
Of course people are asking questions like...." would one speech make any difference"?..."Will there be a new beginning as Obama dreams to have"? but this is what i feel....
Anything aimed towards Peace...cannot go wrong for even just one person turning to peace is indeed a new beginning ...So having Obama all for peace...already marks a new beginning....and as citizens of the world we all carry the responsibilities and should in the least tiniest way contribute to this one man's dream to make a better world....lets pray for the best...!
Obama quoted this towards the end of his speech...
From the Holy Bible :
Obama is definitely one :)
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