Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Dancer At Dance

There is a world beyond all chaos, where your heart beats in one rhythm, in harmony with the divine energies. Its a place where the Gods dwell. You find your self in trance as you step into it. You feel your soul lifted so high and light which makes you want to stay there forever. 

It is where a dancer is at dance!

A beautiful title for a beautiful Arangetram (graduation in dance)

This lovely girl Geethika Sree is my dance guru's daughter and having seen her as a baby and also watched her dance from the age of 3 made this graduation ceremony truly special. It was amazing to see how this little baby girl grew up to be such a talented and matured dancer over the years. 

Whenever i hear people complain about life and how it is impossible to do anything for mere passion i could only smile and think about all these dedicated artists who have been living in the same world and yet have been going on and on in this magical path, untouched by this "difficult" world. How do they do it? Why would they do it?? What do they get out of it??

When we go watch a performance, all we see in plain sight is a person dancing on stage for about 2 hours. But what we do not see is the many years of dedication, patience, sacrifices, suffering and tears that eventually blooms into one divine performance.

You cant just memorize a few steps and become a need to become the steps itself. You need to merge with the music. You need to surrender to its rhythm. You have to connect to the hundreds of souls watching you. You need to be the dance itself. Its a trance like state which turns you into a soul catcher. You have your audience dance with you. Then are truly a Dancer At Dance. Geethika is surely one of those! 

During the show last night, before every item performed she explains the dance in words and in one of those narrations she says this...

" Leave all your meditations, leave all your yearnings. Come dance with me"  

And i thought, yes, why not? When people meditate for decades to get that ONE glimpse of divinity, she brings all Gods down dancing in joy right before our eyes. So, why not?

You witness Lord Muruga teasing Valli. You hear Lord Rama speaking with his friend Hanuman, you watch playful Lord Krishna and you dance with his Gopis, you fight all evil with Goddess Durga. Above all...we unknowingly enter the peaceful state of meditation where you are not disturbed by the world have plunged into your soul where everything is joyful! Everything is colourful, bright and beautiful! So yes....leave all meditations and yearnings..and dance! :)

In Indian classical dance, the graduation is regarded as the very beginning to dance. And i truly believe this little goddess will bloom more petals and i am waiting to watch all her performances. May God bless her with everlasting joy of dance!

Thank you Geethika....for adding life into this world :)

Friday, June 13, 2014


I think this is the first time ever i decided to write about a movie! And its not because i don't watch movies but because i want to enjoy every movie i watch without over analyzing it. I think it spoils all the fun of going to the cinema and being entertained if we are constantly finding whats not right in the movie...right?? So, whenever i go to the cinema i just shut down and enjoy every moment of the movie without thinking too much about it. But this time, right after watching Maleficent with hubby and friends, i couldn't help discussing with them about the movie. It was such a simple story line with such a HUGE message! 

Almost every child in the world especially girls would have heard of Sleeping Beauty. About how the evil witch cursed her when she was born. But i was pretty surprised at myself for NEVER EVER questioning why would a witch take the trouble to come and  curse a poor little helpless baby for a mere reason of not being invited to the event??

I am not going to spoil the fun for those of you who have not watched it but intend to. So i will not get into the details of the story. But those of you who have watched already will understand what i am about to say here.

When i got home from the cinema, i wrote on my FB status a few lines which just popped up in my mind...which is this 

" Maleficent....yes we ourselves create all evil which then starts haunting us and then we fight them through our lives not realizing that all we need to overcome it is ..Love"

Isn't it true? We provoke some people to turn against us then we call them our enemies! We do that all the time...of course most of the times we don't realise it. Because we are so absorbed in satisfying our own needs that anything we do seems right to us. Ive heard about this saying which goes like this...

"theres always three sides to a story...theirs, yours and the truth".

How true is that??..everyone has their version of a story.

This happens so often within a family. For instance we misunderstand our parents or uncles and aunties or cousins and come to a conclusion before even seeing things from their point of view. Who knows ...we might react the same way if we were in their places!! But we judge them and start hating them which then creates a tension in the relationship. Then, whenever we face them, we are already sure that the other person also thinks the same way about us because we obviously see what we choose to see!! So anything the person says fits perfectly  into the wrong idea column we have created for them in our minds. For all you know, the other person may not have had any such ideas as we imagined it. So the tension grows and eventually breaks the relationship. That's how we create enemies most of the times.
Worst of creating these enemies, we end up behaving worst then them! We become the monsters ourselves without realising it. And if only we come to our senses and think about it, we will be shocked to see that those "enemies" we created are far kinder than us!! That's when we panic!! We start thinking...oops! what the hell am i becoming here. This is not even ME! Then of course, "true love" saves us all...eventually.

But what is "true love" ?? Where do we find it?? But before that, i dont quite understand the term "True Love". How could it be love if it is NOT true...its either LOVE or NO LOVE)

..anyway...where do we find love...?

We find it in the most subtle moment when we have given up all ego and succumb to our true selves. Then...we wake up and we are also able to wake anyone up by sharing our love. Suddenly all evil seem to disappear ...and all enemies turns..errm not angels yet maybe...but at least just normal. Isn't normal good enough... I'll be bored to death if everyone around me were angels !! i mean what do you gossip about if no one does anything wrong !! :D So...just the same, we have to know we ourselves are no angels!! so its only natural that someone else might gossip a little about us of and on...well, as long as it doesn't do much damage in our lives, we might as well take it lightly and move on! Otherwise we start creating enemies again...and the cycle goes on and on. that's more or less the message i got from this movie...of course it might be different for you. I thought it was truly a beautiful movie. Do watch if you haven't :)

Yes...evil truly has a beginning! it begins with us !!

Awesome movie!