This question on Oprah got me thinking the whole day..." What would you dare live without for seven days ? "....
I saw hundreds of answers to that in her facebook...some said.... phone, electric , tv , books , meat , and even kids...hahaha...yeah i thought it was interesting to be reminded that there are things which we can live without. We are so addicted to some things that we have actually made ourselves slaves to these things...why not try taking control for once and see how it goes...?

What about a clock....we are so glued to timing ourselves based on the clock...that we have forgotten how to use the natural clock of our mind which usually is more accurate than any branded clocks in the world....have u experienced waking up just 5 seconds before the alarm goes off...!!! i have experienced this so many times...and it amuses me everytime to see how accurate the mind is...but we rush to the bathroom....come out n look at the clock to see how long we have got to dress up....then we look see how long we have to enjoy breakfast....then we look again as we enter the car...we look as we enter the office....we look again when its lunch time...and it goes on and on till we go to are we simply living around the clock beat time !!! Isnt life simply more then beating the clock !
Ok i am going to try not looking at the clock from tomorrow morning and see how i feel....wish me luck !!!!!!
ya anu..coming to think of it you're right..we look at the clock for every single's like the clock tells us what were suppose to do and what would happen if we dont live by it...
ReplyDeletelet me show how the time rules my day...
5.45am - time to wake up...hmmm i'll sleep for another 5 mins...tht wont do no any harm...
6am - oh no i'm late....faster get my ass of the bed...
6.15am - out of the bathroom after a quick shower
6.20 - iron the clothes...look at the time again...geez i'm getting late...aiya...just iron chin cai la....
6.40 - ok i've got myself ready....
6.45 - leave the hse with my baby...have to send her to in laws place...
6.55 - aiyo why can't the traffic light turn green faster...
7.00 - drop baby off...muaxx muaxx....bye chellam..amma will see u in the evening...
7.20 - aiyo...why so many cars on the road...god i'm gonna be late i've got 10 mins left
7.35 - reach office...i'm late...hope my boss is not in...ah...lucky me she's not...
11am - aiyo now only 11 am ar...still got 1 hr 45 mins for lunch time...y is the time running so slow...hmmmm :(
12.45...yes...lunch time...:) :)
1.45 - fast lunch time is over ar.. god got another 2 hr 10 mins left to go back home...
5.00 ok...another 30 mins left...
5.30...ok let pack and go back....
6.10pm ....hi baby...amma is back...let's go back....
6.20pm...ah...home sweet home...
7.10pm...ok dinner is ready...
7.15...take a nice shower...
7.40...have dinner
8.30pm...need to feed baby milk...
9.00 pm...relax a bit with baby..while doing some chores... fast 10.30 already ar...need to feed baby in an hrs time and go to bed...
11.30...ok baby nyum nyum time...drink ur milk faster a bit la syg...amma sleepy already..
hahaha...see we live by the clock for every single thing...we evaluate a person by the punctuality as well...for instances if the person is late we "indian timing" la...
imagine if we didn't have a clock......hmmmmm...
well anu...good luck...let me know if u can live without it tmrw :)
Oh my...Prema ...u wake up at 5.45 ! I only wake up at 7.00 am...and of course i also give myself the extra 5 mins too :)
ReplyDeleteYes i shall update on my untimed day experience !!
OK here goes..
ReplyDeleteMy first day without clock...
was easy since it was a worries bout waking up when i woke up and looked out the window....coudnt guess the time at all since the sun was totaly blurred by haze...haha...but my stomach was growling i guessed it must be time for had breakfast at home and sat to read a book....went on reading not being bothered about cooking lunch too late. Once i felt satisfied reading...then cooked lunch and thats when i was getting hungry managed to go on not knowing the time till it was 2.30 when i had a message on my hand phone...and the time was displayed there then i had taken my lunch and was reading a book i was thinking not bad my timing...haha
and after that ..i knew it was 4.30 when i left to Mid Valley with hubby as we had planned earlier to go there to watch Night at the Museum 2. Then as i came home and turned the TV on...the Astro displayed the time...9.00 i realised its almost impossible not to be aware of time even on a holiday....but it made me realise that i dont have to intentionally look at it like every 10 mins...even on working days.
And time goes much slower when we dont keep looking at it..So we dont just zooom through life day after day...chasing after the clock...
So from now on...i will only be concerned about the time when its neccessary like getting to office in time or appointments and so on. Have already stopped looking at it every 10 mins... !
It feels great !
Frankly speaking, I dont even dare to try...........haha...