Monday, February 23, 2015

Strings Attached

I was at the Big Bad Wolf sales 3 weeks ago....and i was lost the moment i entered the hall as there were thousands of books and i didnt know where to start! After about a minute or two of looking dazed, like a child who had just entered Charlie's chocolate factory, i finally regained consciousness and started looking at the Biographies.  

As i screened through the stacks of books...trying my best not to miss anything interesting hidden behind other books, this particular title caught my attention. "STRINGS ATTACHED" and the cover had an image of violin and a silhouette of a teacher and a young student. Though people say, don't judge a book by its cover, sometimes...covers do matter! Especially when you are having to pick from thousands of books....its the title and the cover which first catches your attention. First it was the image of the violin and the string which got me looking at it since Ive been learning how to play the Indian instrument Sitar for the past few months. So, i picked it out and read the title said "Strings Attached, One tough teacher and the art of perfection"! Ok now, i was even more interested in this book. Because the first person that came to my mind was not my music teacher but my dance teacher, Ramli Ibrahim from Sutra dance theatre. So, i turned to the back of the book to read the synopsis and it said...

"A Ukrainian-born taskmaster, who yelled, stomped and screamed and who, through sheer force of will, made them better than they had any right to be." 

By now i was like...." this really not about Ramli Ibrahim?" hahaha...yeah it sounded so much like him. So in went the book into my trolley. It was the first book i picked out of the 8 books i bought that day :) and it was also the first one i read the moment i got home. 

And when i finished it, i thought CAN sometimes judge a book by its cover :)

I enjoyed every page of it...and it made me realise that Gurus all over the world are just the same. They push their students beyond their limits...till it becomes unbearable for them but those students who are tough enough to endure and move on to continue learning from such gurus definitely become the best performers. Ive seen it happen at Sutra. I truly admire all my seniors there who have endured such discipline and have become tough by the years. And it shows in every production...the absolutely neat performance which comes not only from the endless practices but from the fear of a screaming guru. All senior students in Sutra knows how it feels when master praises them...something which happens SO will stand there simply looking at him, too overwhelmed to even say thank you...almost like....ermm... say like how you might feel if you just witnessed the aurora happening right before your eyes! Believe me i am not exaggerating! 

I had the golden opportunity to be part of their major event only 2008 when Sutra Dance Theatre hosted the international odissi festival and i danced at the opening of the event which was held in the Art Gallery of Petronas Twin Tower, KL. What an experience it was! Though the dancing part was joyous, it wasnt easy facing a Guru who roars right into your face! Scary! But then, after the rehearsals, he says to all the students "sometimes i need to push some of you whom i believe is capable of doing better" and i sit there shaken and in the verge of tears but feeling a tiny bit consoled about being screamed at in front of about 50 adults watching you during rehearsal. Yes it wasnt at all easy! And that was just ONCE! ONE beautiful, magical dance moment of my life...and below is a picture my hubby snapped...though not too clear its one of my fav :) And looking at it now..i remember what happened right after the performance. One of our friends who were there watching told me "Your master was standing and watching you as you entered and started dancing" and i froze! i asked her "really! he did that!!" ohh thank God i did not see him....if i had by any chance spotted him while i danced i would have panicked and been frozen just like in the pic below...hahaha. Truly it was by God's grace, i never realised he was watching! ..gosh...those unforgettable and (scary) precious moments :)

But just like how the students of this violin teacher in the book say...such difficult moments somehow eventually toughens you up. You become immune to it, you become stronger, more confident, not only when performing but also in life on the whole! 

Being human, we tend to take things for granted if we are not pushed with such fear. If teachers are too lenient, we decide not to practice and we become lazy. But having to face a tough guru leaves you no choice but to do your best. One day, all such students will thank these tough masters who have shaped their lives! For me, apart from Ramli Ibrahim himself...i have to thank a zillion to my class teacher Tan Mei Mei who assists him. It was because of her, i had the chance to be a part of this event. She really pushed us to finish up the piece which was suppose to be performed at the opening right in time for the audition. Never did i imagine i would have a chance to dance in an international dance festival! It was surely a dream come true!  

So if you want to it is to be a student of a tough this book :)

And ohh the other thing i love about the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is their plastic bags....i usually take my green bags when shopping but this time...i just had to have one of these plastic bags :)


Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Time Keeper

Ive heard about Mitch Albom and his books for so long but somehow didn't read any of it until last month. But after reading it...especially the part which says "It's never too late or too soon, it is when it is suppose to be"  i realised that now it was time for me to read it. I do believe nothing happens coincidentally. The whole universe is interconnected and is moving in a perfect coordination. So, no chance for accidents!

When i started writing this blog 6 years ago, my inspiration was TIME! Like how we measure everything by putting it in terms of pass, present and future but the only real TIME is always NOW! And what we choose to do right NOW determines what happens in the next moment. And then...all these little "NOWS" form what we call our PAST and eventually we call it LIFE. If you read my tag line for the blog...that's exactly what it says. I remember that was the first ever line i came up with to be written in my blog. But only after 6 years i happen to decide that i would read a book which speaks of TIME in the most interesting way!!

The story was SO interesting that i for the first time in life actually finished a whole book in one sitting! AND theres something else really weird and interesting which happened when i finished the book after 3 hours of reading non-stop. I decided to share about the book on my FB and after posting my message on it i realised that the time was 12.30am! which means i should have finished reading the book around 12.25am!! If you don't see why that's weird......have a look at the picture of the book above. The clock shows 12.26!! Seriously i was shocked! I mean what a coincident....or was it really a coincident?? Or was it a sign / message to prove that TIME is always perfect. Just like how it says in the book "It's never too late or too soon, it is when it is suppose to be" 

The thing is, if we understand that everything happens at the right time, we will not regret our actions in the past. Some mistakes were necessary simply to delay us, so we divert into another dimension of life, guided by all the obstacles we finally reach the place we want to be but we often see the past as mistakes which should have been avoided. But the truth is, without those mistakes we would never get where we got. And once we understand this, we would instantly feel lighter.

I always wondered, how might life be if we never had clocks! And interestingly enough this book is about life when there were no clocks and human beings were not living according to time until this character in the story discovers how the shadows fall on exactly the same spot everyday at certain point, and he started keeping record of it and thus created TIME. The rest of the story is about how he paid for his action for the next few hundred years. How life changed, how people became obsessed with time which eventually led them to stop living altogether. 

We ARE obsessed with time..aren't we?? We eat simply because its lunch time! hungry or not....and we refuse to sleep, if its too early, we have timed ourselves so precisely that actually we have become the clock itself. Our body automatically reacts according to the time we have set for ourselves! Like a robot..

Though its quite impossible to get out of the time frame...we can practice being a little relaxed about it. Ive seen parents stuffing food into the baby's mouth...while they are screaming and refusing to eat...because they believe its time to feed! Poor babies....why is it that we still cant believe that the human body is so natural and all babies would eat when they are hungry. Even a newborn...knows how to cry for milk! So lets not be obsessed with time. Lets just let go a little... and see how the body reacts. And its not only about food or sleeping. Its about everything we do...Feel like watching a movie...go watch...even its 2 am....feel like singing....just sing even if no one is listening. Feel like dancing right after a meal...go on and dance! Just go along with the body and soul and see how much lighter life gets! Lets stop timing ourselves....and others as well! Especially because we already have the most efficient clock working for billions of years....the SUN! Nothing we create can beat its lets got with it!  :)

And read this book!!! its awesome! :D