Its May 2017??
I have not sat to write the whole year! And that's not because there has been nothing to share but because there has been so much to write about..i didn't know where to start..
Anyway since it will be my first post for the year i will start with a colourful note!!
This year for the first time in my life i had an opportunity to be part of a Holi celebration. Ive seen pictures of friends all drenched and soaked in holi colours and always wished to experience it. Somehow i missed it every year. But thanks to Swara Community Arts Center, this year, our bharathanatyam teacher suggested we celebrate it in our center instead of joining the celebration elsewhere. So together we organized a simple event at the beautiful garden of the center in Petaling Jaya mostly with our students, committee members, family and friends.
It turned out to be so joyful with music and dance splashed in TEN shades of colours...thanks to one of our students who provided those gorgeous colours!
Only after the event i realized what effect the celebration has on someone who was part of it..And that is what i wish to share here...with you all...
The shades of life....
We come into the world pure and white...uncolored, soul untouched by the elements of life on earth...and then gradually everyone leaves a mark on us, some brighter, some darker, some vibrant and some dull. Our lives are not necessarily touched only by people we know...sometimes its a complete stranger whom you might not even meet again...yet for that moment a connection shade is left on your white soul and it stays...sometimes it is someone you love, sometimes by little children ...or even by someone you dont really like maybe.. yet the beauty is, by the end of it you will not be able to say who made those marks but together they create a new you..all the colours come together and create a whole new picture of you. When you look at yourself at this point, you will be totally amazed at the creation that happened beyond your control, you did not plan it, you tried running away sometimes, you tried avoiding sometimes but it gets to you anyway! And the effect of the whole process is magical! You dont design such happens of its own accord and the beauty is different for every person!
While you think you look all messed will be amazed to look at yourself in the end! Just like life...all that seemed random, finally fits like a jigsaw puzzle to make a whole...its magical...its beyond words...the shades of life within...reflected!
so here...thats exactly what happened during the holi celebration at Swara Community Arts Center...and i will let these pictures say the rest...

So...go with the game, take in the colours... trust the process and stay joyful to the end, you will come out AWESOME!! :)
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