Why do we prostrate "fall on the feet" (as the Indians call it) of a Guru?
To seek blessings? To show respect? Out of love? or is it simply a culture which we got used to without questioning?
Every year, on the 10th day of Navarathiri celebrations, which is called Vijayadasami in India, parents will take their children with a tray of fruits, flowers, sweets, clothes and money to be offered to their gurus (teachers/masters) as an expression of gratitude. They will tell them to fall on the feet of their guru to seek blessings. And the children do it year after year. But do they know, why they are doing it?
The Indians strongly believe that a person is destined to learn from a particular guru and unless and until they meet that particular one, they maybe distracted. It is said that the bond between a student and their destined Guru is created long before they actually meet. Life after life a person is directed and redirected into a path that finally meets somewhere, when the student is ready. The gurus maybe spiritual or gurus of artforms.
When such students and gurus meet, somehow they will both know it. Coz no one can possibly miss the joy that follows. And again, the question is, why do we fall on the feet of a Guru?
Its a surrender. Like saying, i am done searching, ive been directed and redirected. Ive been drowned and saved, ive been lost and found, again and again over God Knows how many life times and here, finally i am standing right before you! Its unbelievable! Its overwhelming! so, what else can you do if not fall on their feet!! A surrender, saying now, you guide me! Now you show me the light, you teach me, tell me what i should learn next. Whats the next step? whats the next move, whats the next expression, whats the next note, mood, feel, emotion?? You tell me! And what i place on your feet is my trust and love and what i ask in return is your blessings. Its a flow of energy....so, the Divine can flow into the Guru continuously for energy can never be stocked..it has to flow. Everytime a Guru blesses someone, they themselves receive multiple blessings from the ever abundant universe. The students are a way, the Gurus could renew their blessings.
So, when you touch the feet of a Guru, a flow of energy is created, from the Universe to the Guru, and from the Guru to their student. Its like a switch which allows the flow of electricity. Thats what the feet of a Guru is.....
A switch To bless and be blessed!
Have a blessed and joyous Vijayadasami!
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