Friday, April 24, 2015


We grow up hearing words like "family is important" "Love your neighbours" "Take care of your little brothers and sisters" "Be nice to your friends in school" " Respect your teachers" and so on. And thats exactly what we try to do....we obey these rules as much as we could and then when we become adults we say the same things to our children. So our mind is conditioned to love a certain group, care for certain people in our lives and we go on thinking we are truly a loving human being. 

Then, what happens is, we meet new people...we move to a new environment, maybe into a different culture and atmosphere. And suddenly we are lost. How do we love strangers?? how do we care for things that doesnt belong to us. How do we deal with situations? Now comes the trouble! We judge one another...we hate people...we think the world is cruel and ugly and evil. Then these feelings spreads into our daily life and it takes over all those LOVE YOUR FAMILY...LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURS chantings! Then suddenly we are choking with emotions! We feel betrayed, lost and angry! Most of the time we cant even figure out the reasons either because theres too many or theres none at all. 

Somehow we human beings forget that we are made of love and nothing but love. Theres no need to teach a child to love. It is their natural state..until we interfere and confuse the child with all these restrictions. Let the child be...and they will love everyone and everything. 

When we grow up in love ...we can only attract more love. We can connect to everything and everyone around us because the whole universe is made of this energy called loved. Now dont ask me questions like....should we love the robbers or rapists then? Coz that is my whole point. If we let a child grow naturally they will not become a rapist or robber. When we teach them to hate, they attract people to hate ...and they dwell in hatred and their contaminated soul looks for an outlet by doing evil things. 

It is not about love something or is simply about being love itself. Then you attract love like a magnet. Be love itself, no separation between the feeling and you. You are it! It is you! Love unleashed :) Then watch what happens...

See how the music flows through every how much brighter the flowers in your garden looks, watch how the butterflies flutter around how people even look at you in awe. They cant help recognizing themselves when they look at you. Watch how you feel like dancing whenever it rains. Watch how thankful you are for the sunshine. Watch how your world changes! Feel the joy that it brings...feel the excitement! Feel rejuvenated! above all FEEL LIFE! 

Why contain Love when it can be unleashed! let it go! and go wherever it takes you! It always knows the best routes of life :) 

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