Recently, i got a new book shelve for my living room and was arranging my books in it. That's when i noticed the kind of books I've been reading over the years. They dint seem to fit into any category in particular...from biographies and historical fictions to crime and sports, the lighter Sophie Kinsella series or romantic I heart London and even Children's books like Narnia mingled with spiritual books as well. So, this funny thought came to my mind about what people would say when they see the collections I've read?? Coz I've heard people say, you can tell a lot about a person from the kind of books they read. And what would they say about me?? So, i decided to take a picture of a few books from different genres and post it on my FB and ask my friends what they thought of me :P
Here's the pic:
I got some interesting replies from friends like Saras, who said i was trying to connect all of it to something which i am in search of....and Joethi said ..i was a spirit of lightness and joy...and Lavanya said i was SEARCHING, and so on.
But the interesting thing is, more than my friends, i saw something new about myself from the picture which i did not see before! :)
I realised that i placed all books at random spots except one, which is Osho's Krishna. I started the arrangement by first putting Krishna in the center then went on adding the others...So i realised that i have found what i was looking for all these years in Osho's Krishna. This book is 688 pages and its quite impossible to share the best parts coz theres just too much. So i will not quote from the book but i will just try to share in my own words what it says..
This book particularly says, we should live life as a whole, not just accepting some parts and rejecting take all good, bad, pure or evil in the same light. Not easy yes! but not impossible either...! If God intended only good things to prevail...He had all the power to create only good things...he would have made us all angels...why bother creating evil only to be overcome by goodness..?? why would HE do that?
It makes sense that the universe can only work with both good and bad...that's life as it is! But when we keep fighting with everything bad, we kind of loose the zest to enjoy the good! coz we are too tired fighting, drained and left to drag ourselves through the good. This should not be misunderstood as being passive. It doesnt mean when you see cruelty you ignore and go on with life. doesnt mean that. It act according to what the moment demands...if you see a puppy being abused you save it of course! but you dont brand life as evil just because one person abused a puppy. You also dont brand life as Good simply because you saved you dont brand! You just act and get on to the next scene. No need to be need to bang your head and cry over it..that moment was next! yes thats what it means...
And in this particular book, Osho says, Krishna is LIFE. That's why he reflects everything...He is a little naughty boy stealing butter, a handsome youth drawing gopis to Him, a warrior at war in Mahabaratha, and yet he dances and plays his flute in joy...He is not sitting under a tree ...He is simply living through joyously everything that is good and bad, whatever the moment demands...that He is! Isn't that beautiful!? That's what everything else in the universe is doing but human beings. Being spontaneous is what life is the river...curve when needed..splash over when obstructed ...fall at the edges...rise over the boulders and simply flow with the current.. then merge with the ocean!!
So, coming back to the picture. I realised that i have consciously put Krishna in the center and everything else at random. And that is life. We need to face, accept, endure, strive, enjoy and witness everything that happens around us from the center. For as long as we know the center we will not be drawn out into any direction. We will not get lost...We will come back with every experience. And better still, if we can stay in the center at all running out or running in. simply stay where we are! Because the center of our being is pure joy! we are the center of our universe. That's the magic of life...everyone has a center and yet it is all just one field. Its us who keep running around and feeling miserable. We can work on the radius...if we have been running so far its time to make the distance a little closer to the center....and gradually i am sure we can come back...yes not easy...yet not impossible!
So....till we meet again...
Stay Where You Are! :D