You must know how to read these unique wordless scriptures written all over can only be done though your heart. Once you master the art you will hear It speak to you in a million ways !
Heres a message i read while i was at the unbelievable Trummelbach Falls in Switzerland.

Earlier he had briefed us that this waterfall flows inside of a mountain ....and almost all of us imagined it as one big waterfall flowing from the top of the mountain maybe through a hole ...and thought that would be quite a sight !
Once we reached the mountains , we were asked to get down and walk along a small path leading to that particular was drizzling and really cold ! holding the umbrellas and cameras, we walked and as we got close to the mountains, i was expecting to hear the waterfall but no was all very quiet.
We walked on for a few mins before we reached the foot of the mountain...and yet there was no sound of any waterfall. Then, we were guided to walk into a cave like entrance to take the tunnel lift.
We got into the lift and as it started ascending, i had no idea what to expect when we got out of the lift ...and of course we still couldnt hear the falls !! When the lift stopped and we walked out....then....u hear the roar !! Its deafening !! And u would stand there speechless feeling the power and energy of 20,000 liters of water rushing per SECOND !
(I will not put up too many pics of it as you could browse and have better views and videos of it in the net )
Heres just one the pics i snapped and am still amazed at the view !
My aunt, cousin and myself were all stunned at the powerful flow within an ABSOLUTELY QUIET mountain!
The message i read here was this :-
Power or energy is not always obvious on the outside....its about what lies within. The mountain is so humble looking, quiet and serene, calm and peaceful from the outside, but it contains such tremendous flow of energy doesnt boast and show any sign to anyone standing outside, it only reveals itself to those who have gone deeper...and no one from the outside would believe what is going on within unless they see, feel and hear it for themselves and no photographs or videos will be able to convey that energy you feel when standing right before that roaring immense gush of water. Its SO overwhelmingly powerful that you feel totally humbled ! You stand Speechless ! thoughtless ! almost helpless ! while you are in there...and when you walk out of will never look at the mountain as you did before ....for you know whats going on in have seen it...felt it for real...its so alive within !
Now isnt that exactly what human beings are....most of us have not taken the tunnel lift into ourselves to see and feel the roaring power contained within...we are just living on the surface..never attempting to discover the power we have. Wasting precious time on ordinary experiences, totally ignoring the highest degree of joy that lies deep within...waiting to be discovered !
So, Lets take the tunnel lift and find out what lies within....shall we?? :)
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