So...It is Valentines day....
When i was a teenager...i remember V day to be a " Secret " word...you dont dare say it in front of your parents or big brothers ...because it ONLY means you are up to something...with your secret lover !!!... so as we walk around in the shopping complexes or gift shops...we take a glance at the V gifts and act like we are not interested..coz our parents are watching ....And if you do have a boyfriend or girlfriend...buying a V card or Gift would require James Bond moves...so that your parents will not find you out..you plan out like a month before the day...so you have ample time to figure out how and when to get the gifts or cards....and where to hide it...and when to post it ( if you manage to sneak out to the post office in the first place...!!)you will be so paranoid about your parents being able to read whats on your mind..that you wont even dare think when they are around !! hahaha...
In fact you hardly see even married couples celebrating it ...for it was suppose to be ONLY for "LOVERS" !!
Then one year when i was still in secondary school ...some of my friends discussed about how Valentines day should actually be for everyone...like for your parents, siblings...friends or who ever you loved and wish to express it...so that particular year i thought i would get my mom a gift on V day...but my father was such a strict person that i had no chance of getting out myself to the gift shop anytime i wished...so i had planned an "Operation V day " to buy something way before V day. I somehow managed to buy a small black vase and hid it in one of my drawers in the room...and as i had some collections of fancy glittery stickers out of which one read " I LOVE YOU "...i thought it will be sweet if i stuck it on the vase for my mom. So i did it...and covered it with some of my clothes and put it my drawer....and finally when V day came...i proudly took it out and gave it to my mom and wished her...she looked at it ..and then smiled with a relieved expression...could you guess why ?? ....Coz my mom had found the gift earlier...and assumed that i had a boyfriend and it was for him or that someone had bought it for me!!! I was like....HUH ???? what boyfriend ???i bought it for you !!!hahha...that Vase is still at home in the shelves...i shall snap a pic of it and put it up here soon !
So...thats how V day was those days....after sometime..since a few years back..the celebrations have been expanded from just LOVERS ....to parents , siblings, friends or even pets ! and i think thats just great !!! For LOVE is a positive force and having the whole world celebrate LOVE is pretty inspiring...so everyone wishes Happy V day to anyone they meet ...even at work place...customers greet happy V day when call the office...Everyone gets gifts , cards, roses and candle light dinners...
Phase 3 :
NOW....i notice that some are going against these celebrations ...saying it doesnt make sense to express your love only for ONE day....when it should be all days ...
Which i do believe is true...but whether one day or all days...LOVE is good feeling...better ONE day then NEVER ....so no harm celebrating it... but heres what i wish a V day is like ...
Phase 4 ( my idea :)
Lets still celebrate this beautiful day that somehow...makes everyone think of ONLY LOVE ...but lets also change the ways we choose to celebrate it...say as lovers..instead of buying gifts for each other...how about getting together to buy something for someone who is in need...or how about a BUNCH of friends getting together to buy an EXPENSIVE pair of bird which other people would not think of freeing because its costly..and SET IT FREE while having BBQ party :) Or how about organizing a family gathering in an orphanage...or old folks home...or ..for those who like adventures,how bout planning a waterfall cleaning for the LOVE of nature..
Problem is most people still think of LOVE in terms of MONEY....but then our hearts recognizes LOVE only in terms of LOVE .. , some simple ways can bring so much joy that would last longer than anything money could buy...and i always feel that couples could feel MOre LOVE by doing things TOGETHER ...however simple and humble it might be...it brings you closer...so stop thinking of the most expensive ways to please someone...and switch to the LOVE mode today
Wishing you all a LOVELY day !
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