First of all...i am SO glad i did not watch the movie...!! reading makes it a lot more fun and i will tell you why here.... :)
When Isla Fisher appears as Rebecca Bloomwood on the screen with such sweet face..people tend to look at her and her facial expressions and everything else on the screen ...whereas when you read something like in the paragraph below..
" I'm wearing my smartest black suit, and tights and high heels , with an FT(magazine) under my arm, obviously. And i am carrying the briefcase with the combination lock, which my mum gave me one Christmas and which ive never used. This is partly because its really heavy and bumpy - and partly because ive forgotten the combination ."
then...you will see the real Rebecca Bloomwood and connect with her instantly.
Heres more ...
"So as i get ready to go, i feel quite bouncy and positive. I put on my new gray cardigan over a short black shirt, and my new Hobbs Boots - dark gray suede - and i have to say , i look bloody good in them. God i love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes every day, i reckon depression wouldnt exist anymore."
" I give my lashes another layer of mascara, spray myself in Coco Chanel. I am wearing all black - but expensive black. The kind of deep, soft black you fall into. A simple sleeveless dress from Whistles , the highest of Jimmy Choos, a pair of stunning uncut amethyst earrings. And please dont ask how much it costs, because its irrelevant.This is investment shopping. The biggest investment of my life."
So...how could the screen explain such details...i guess it doesnt..its so fun to read the details yourself...and imagine the person wearing it...while on screen you might have missed most of what Isla was wearing...coz we are busy looking at her and listening to the dialogs.
And of course the book is simply hilarious and reading gives you time to laugh...share and continue reading without missing any moment of the story...something which we dont get to do while watching a movie...ohh come on...how many of us would bother watching the whole CD again or go the cinema the 2nd time just to catch a funny moment ?? But a book gives you the privilege of going over and over your favourite part and enjoy it again and again !
These are some of the reasons why most ( or maybe all) books are better than the movies... anything that gives you time and space to enjoy lasts longer in your memory and leaves a bigger impact in your life. But a movie just goes ...Whooosh ..leaving you no time to think or ponder over it...
Just like books...life itself has to be taken slowly at its own space...stop WHoooshing around :):) ..yeah ...go slow...enjoy every moment...indulge in anything you love...feel it and you will love life as much as i love books ! :):)
And going slow does not mean waking up late to work...or not finishing your assignments in time ....its about how we feel within...be calm ...Just take a min to Look at the flowers bloomed along the highway...feel the morning breeze as you are walking from your car to the office building...pay attention to how delicious your breakfast or lunch is...remember to say hi to your cleaner and ask how shes doing...admire the full moon ....listen to rain drops wherever you are , play in the rain if you can...be childish sometimes...like getting excited about having an ice cream while its raining...play a simple snake and ladder board game with your kids and remember to laugh when you get gobbled up by the snakes and celebrate when you get a ladder ....cheer someone else up .....run and chase around with your children..and get yourself dirtier than your kids by the end of it ! believe me they will be amused ! take your parents somewhere they have never been....climb a tree ! ( I still do..just in case you are wandering ! :) you dont believe me ? that gives me an inspiration for my next post ! :) Will share my experiences with my best tree friends :):)
so anyway...yeah i can go on and on....when you set your mind to such calm mode...you will find life going slow and steady...despite the fast moving life style ..try it !!! you will see what i mean !
Have a crazily beautiful day ! :)
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