My good friend Kym, once said " How come most people do not seem to think about why there are tonnes of meat for sale in the supermarkets but then we dont see any animal roaming around in our neighbourhood....where do these meat come from ? Where are the animals..?" Yes come people dont see it ! All these animals are cramped up in a inhumanely horrific condition simply so that WE have more space to live !! For those of you who have had the guts to watch the videos of these animals being tortured , thank you.. for will know what i am talking about...and for those of you who simply avoided watching these videos so that you could sleep better i have just one everything ok for as long we dont see it ?? Just ask yourselves.....and let your heart answer that..
Anyway...though there are so much of cruelty going on and on nature somehow inspires you to believe in humanity. I had one such experience recently while i was in India....and i will not explain further for i shall let the pictures speak for good to see nature in its right order at least in some corners of the world ...truly inspiring...
And of course i understand that it doesnt mean there are no commercial animal farms in India..still it was soothing to know at least some were in safe hands... these pictures were taken along the highway from Chennai to Thirupathi and also at Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu.
A little healing images :):)

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