Now there are 4 of us in love with Paulo Coelho's work....so we decided to create a book club to exchange and also discuss books. And yesterday we had our first meeting at The Loaf in Empire Subang...and it turned out to be pretty interesting ...we wish to continue this journey with Paulo and also take it further with other authors and books.
The thing about some books is that...we understand it even better when we explain it to another person than we did when we read it...thus it gives a new perspective to our readings....and of course it also helps to remember the story better when we discuss it.
You will also be surprised at how some story mean totally different things to different people...
As for Paulo Coelho books....they are mostly categorized as "FICTION" but when you read it you will realise it isnt totally. The content maybe fiction but the essence of it is not. How could anything about "LIFE" be fiction? Our thoughts....feelings...emotions ....instincts...and dreams maybe abstract but we still FEEL it dont we....just like the wind...we dont have to see it in order to believe its real....we simply KNOW it is !
So its about how you "SEE" the book. If you just sit by the banks and look at the surface of the lake listening to someone explain that there is life beneath then it is fiction but if you take a plunge ....you will SEE whats beneath....and how "REAL" it is!
So for those of us who had been sitting on the banks and refusing to see whats beneath....these books definitely drag you to it and throw you into the lake of life ! So much to discover....!
Anyway...it was my first time at The Loaf.....and had no idea what would be the best to order..but since i am a vegetarian ...choices are always limited, so its easy....i decided to try the Mixed Mushroom tartine.....and it turned out to be pretty yummy ! loved it...!

As the for the books ...i exchanged " The Alchemist" for my friend's " Like the flowing river" and i cant wait to begin the journey with Paulo again...this time by the river....and not through the dessert to Egypt as in "The Alchemist".....hope to discover more and share it here with you :)
If you are walking with me....i See u somewhere by the river banks....soon :) !
Lol. Have turned into Paulo Coelho fan uh? I have read only the Alchemist yet. Didn't expect the other books would be great as much as the Alchemist. Definitely will check them all out soon.. :)
ReplyDeletehaha yes...interesting thing about his books is that theres so much to discuss and interpret..hmm so far Alchemist is definitely the best..if you want to read another one...please read THE ZAHIR...its very different from Alchemist. Where as Flowing like the river is not a story on the whole...its just a compilation of his articles and notes...very short ones like maximum 3 pages each. I wouldnt say its that interesting compared to the others...will update a little more on it when i am done reading...:) happy reading !