Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Meeting Point

The earth...in search of a tree....
The tree in search of light...
and We...in search of ourselves...

One source...a million expressions...all imperfectly perfect...no two trees are identical...no two leaves are identical...no standard shade of colour to identify the trunks...all growing as it pleases, as much as light allows, in its own perfect way, so, no one can say...this tree is more beautiful then the other...coz nature has given each of its creation an identity of its own..incomparable..

Only we human beings have learnt how to compare...this is pretty...that is ugly, this is the right way, that is a wrong way, this is sweet and that is bitter, this is allowed, that is not...and a thousand other distinctions made. And all we have created is chaos... 

Can we not follow our paths as it flows...why hesitate with every move...why ask a thousand questions before we take the next step.....when we ALL KNOW...the END is only ONE...back to its source. Go right if you please...go left if you wish...walk up or down the path...take a hundred turns if you must...run all the way back if possible...and still...where do you think we will end up? A confirmed destination with a thousand paths to choose from... So, why do we still believe that our choices will make a difference? You may encounter different situations, yes, but the results will be the same...we all cry at some point..we are all hurt at some points...we all laugh at some point, only how and why makes our stories different. So whats the fuss about??

Theres only one thing we can do about it, we can LOVE! No matter what the situation is, we can LOVE...that's the only route to our destination. Despite the chaos we have created, only LOVE keeps directing and redirecting us. And love is not about relationships...its about our state of being. That's the undercurrent which we are guided by unconsciously. We may be angry, upset, sad, disappointed and yet we will eventually return to this source of LOVE. And the word LOVE too is tricky...its not an effort to be made like most people see it....but simply the state of our self when all emotions are removed. Our natural state...

Is it easy to get there? of course not...life will throw you into situations and watch you come out of it...again and again...if you come out just the same as you were before...then it throws you into it again...until you learn how to shed the layers of emotions...but life is fair too...it doesn't expect you to shed all layers in one throw...it gives you chances again and again...the sooner we get to the roots the better...

So..just like how the roots are drawn to water, the leaves are drawn to light, we...are drawn to love. Only difference is, the roots and leaves do not resist...and we resist all the way, thus, making the path harder then it should be...again...i am reminded of the message from Bhagavad Gita....SURRENDER! 

The picture above was taken last week in Kuching, Sarawak during our trip to the Rainforest World Music Festival 18. Though i have SO MUCH to say about the festival, just felt like sharing this beautiful moment i had with my good friend and the amazing tree. Magical!   

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

SwarAsia Malaysia@Rainforest World Music Festival 2018

Ever heard the forest sing? 

Have you walked through the jungle, listening to the subtle streams continuously whispering to you? Have you stopped a moment to listen to the rustling of the hollow bamboos? Have you watched the waterfalls taking a plunge into streams? Have you felt the soft muddy paths when it rains...or reflected in the droplets resting on every leaf moments before it slips away? Have you touched the velvety moss on the tree trunks and absorbed its most beautiful shade of green? Have you tried catching the rays piercing through the branches of the trees? Have you smelled the living earth beneath your feet and sensed the throbbing life in its roots growing beyond ...? Have you felt the connection of it ALL? Have you heard them all sing the secret of life...? Have you felt your heart beat in unison with the breathing trees? 

And...what could we possibly give in return for all the magic the forests offers us? What can ever match the mystery of our tropical rainforests? Words will fail, pictures will lie, videos will only distract...then?

The only equally enchanting experience as a forest is of course..... MUSIC. And its the time of the year here in Malaysia, when we celebrate the Forests. Musicians from all over the world come to offer a part of their soul through music. Its a thanksgiving! Its the Rainforest World Music Festival in Sarawak, Malaysia!   

Its been my dream to go watch these soulful musicians coming from very interesting cultural backgrounds from all over the world such as the  Philippines, Russia, Brazil, Serbia, India, America, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Tunisia, Poland and of course our very own Malaysia!!

And this time, the Malaysian Band "SwarAsia Malaysia" will be performing in it too. So no way i would miss it! I could hardly wait to be there and would definitely share my experience when i get back. I cant say more now as i don't want to say anything based on the videos I've watched. Both the forest and Music can only be truly experienced when its LIVE! And to have the opportunity to experience the best of both at a time is a blessing and a calling!!

So till i get back to you with my stories do click on the links below for more information and come join us in the Awakening of the Rainforest with SwarAsia Malaysia!! 

See you there!! :) 
