I was 9 years old...in primary school, standard 3, Class A. It was the 3rd time i forgot to pack one of my maths book. The teacher got so annoyed, she asked me to pack my bag and move to class C immediately. I did as i was told. The students in class C all felt bad for me i guess, so they welcomed me with smiles and gave me a place to sit. (Some of them are still my good friends!) I sat there looking blur and in the verge of tears yet did not utter a word in protest. The class teacher walked in and sat at her table in front and she must have been already informed by my maths teacher, about me. So, she called me up to her desk and asked me kindly about what had happened and why i was there. So i told her that i forgot to pack my book. Then she said...in Malay "ok, macam ni, boleh tak Anu janji dekat cikgu, Anu tak akan lupa bawa buku lepas ni. Kalau Anu janji, Anu boleh balik ke kelas A"? (Meaning, Can you promise to me that you will not forget to pack your book in the future so i can send you back to class A?)
I thought about it for a few seconds and told her this, "Tapi saya takut nak janji, macam mana kalau saya lupa lagi?" (meaning, I dont dare to promise, coz what if i forget again?"
I can never forget the look on the teachers face when i said that to her...and i dont remember her saying anything at all after that. But she did send me back to Class A the next day. Though i didn't think much about it at that time, when i grew up and recalled the incident, i felt quite amazed at myself!! hahahhaa...i mean, wouldn't any child go "Yes! Yes teacher i promise!!! please send me back to my class!" seriously...how many of a 9 years old would think..how important it is to keep your promise! and what if you break it and take the risk of being moved to class C from A!?
That's how i have been...promises are that sacred..and i cant lie!! like no matter how small a lie it is....i just can't!! I can keep quiet about something...yes..and not reveal something yes...but never can i lie! If i ever tried,you will know i am lying ...as my face will show it so clear!
I sometimes wonder, how people who go on lying over and over can even sleep!! Seriously...how?? does it not bother them?
But have people lied to me or broken their promises...YES! all the time...! It hurts whenever i find out coz to me words are so sacred...you say something only if it comes from your heart...if not...say nothing at all!
So, if you ask me, is it worth being so truthful and honest? Definitely YES! Life is made of truth and nothing but truth, lies may get you around for a while but once truth finds you out, you will have no where to run! so beware!
Speak the truth and keep your promises, no matter how small or big it is...and of course, sleep well!! :)