Where do you live...?
How often have you answered that question? And how differently have you answered it? All of us would give the location...like, in this particular street, area, town, state and so on. But is that where we are living for real? Ever thought about it?
When you wake up in the morning, what is your first thought? Your office matters? The file that's missing. The payment due? The appointment with client? The jam? The groceries you need to get? Getting your kids to school...The argument you had with someone yesterday? The neighbour you hate??
The sunrise, the colour of the sky, the chirping birds, the dew on flowers, the soft grass, the new blooms in your garden, the happy moments yesterday, your favourite music, your favourite book, or how you are going to dress up for the day?? Your best friends, your loving aunt?? Your cute puppy!!?
Both person maybe waking up from the same bed, and yet living in a completely different world. What occupies every moment in your head makes your world.
And when we live in every moment, we live in our own unique world coz no two person's moments could possibly be the same at any point of their lives. Everyone has to deal with different moments, let it be good or bad, happy or sad, funny or angry...every moment is uniquely YOURS to experience! Your own respond, your own feeling, your own understanding, your own joy! No other person will experience it the same way!
So each person actually lives in their OWN world! There is no ONE WORLD...but billions of worlds colliding, merging and splitting every second of the day.
Sometimes we are thrown into a certain world without our consent. While sometimes we deliberately step into a certain world. But what we choose to LIVE in becomes the real world. And by real i don't mean, what you can see, touch, hear or smell but what you can feel within you. One might be living in a horrible condition, congested town, with little facilities and yet feel the joy of their little new born baby in their hands and their world would be as soft and as pure as the new born baby despite the environment. While someone else could be living in a palace and yet craving for love and their world could be as cruel as hell.
And the beauty of life is, no matter where you live or what the circumstances are, there is ONE thing that is available for all...LOVE. You can love in a prison, you can love in a palace, you can love in hut or mansion and when you learn love, you love it ALL. We, human beings are made of LOVE, we are LOVE.
Its that secret potion you can add on to ANYTHING you want, the only ingredient needed to grow your own beautiful world. The more LOVE you add the more beautiful your world gets...
So wake up to your own loving and beautiful world...never mind whats going on around you. Do whats necessary to face it, but stay in love within and simply watch how your life changes...
There are millions of realms to live in, choose yours!!! and LIVE IT!! NO, we don't share the same world as many say....on the contrary, we CREATE our own unique world!!
So, where do YOU LIVE??