Walks nourishes the mind and cleanses the soul. As you walk, you get to see the pictures unfolding with every step you take and the best part is you could pause anywhere to enjoy it a little longer or just take a few steps back to see it again :) So, here i wish to share some of the most beautiful paths ive taken.
Picture above was taken while i was walking at the Downs, Dunstable, Bedfordshire. Its such a beautiful walk through the rolling hills and since it was summer, we had clear skies and beautiful sunsets Though it was pretty chill with the wind blowing, its all worth it ! I was walking with my cousin and friend and i would say it was the best walk ive ever taken in my life....when i close my eyes and picture this place it just brings such joy to the heart . Simply gorgeous !

Here ( above ) i am walking through the woods in Ashridge Estate, England. Another lovely path edged by the most beautiful trees ( i will share about the trees in another post :)
The picture above and below were taken as i was walking from Trummelbach Falls , in Switzerland. It was drizzling and really cold but the amazing view warms the heart enough to keep me going :)
And ohh the picture below is really special as this was taken on my very first experience of walking in the tropical jungle in our very own Taman Negara , Malaysia. This was the walk which had inspired me to continue my walks wherever i go ! I would say nature has been tracking me down eversince and she has been with me through the ups and downs of my walks.
So ...these are only some of the beautiful walks ive taken ..and i will continue this journey walking through my life as i could see it getting better with every step :)
Ok....again i was suppose to write about the book "Walking Wisdom" i promise i will get to it in my next post !!
Till then ....keep walking with me friends..and thank you for the company :)