Friday, July 27, 2012

Frozen Silence ..

I was sobbing away, shoved my face into the pillow as hard as i could coz i didnt want to freak out my aunt and cousin who was sleeping on the other side of the room, in Engelberg, Switzerland. We checked into that hotel about 3 hours ago. I couldnt describe the awesome view we had at our balcony, the glaciers melting down frozen, pine trees in the coolest shades of green , the alpine meadows and above all the sound of the swiss cowbells !! yes you keep hearing the bells even when you couldnt spot the cows. A scene like out of a fairy tale and yet it was for real. How serene, how HUGE, and yet how calm nature can be...all at one time.

I stood at the balcony spellbound , absorbing every inch of it so i would remember it forever...for i know no pictures will ever be able to reflect the true sense of beauty i was looking at. After a while it got misty and dark and i coudnt see the mountains anymore. I was eager to see it again in the morning. So decided to sleep well through the night so i could be up early.

So we all went to bed, i was in my separated side of the room tucked into the very cozy bed. Closed my eyes and there it was ! standing tall , frozen in absolute silence, the mountains ....the picture i had absorbed every inch that evening just popped up and it wont go away even if i tried. Looking at it...i tried to sleep...but i couldnt. So i started to talking to it ...strangely the first words that came out was...

 " It was You wasnt it ?? It was You who called me here...fabricated this whole tour across thousands of miles away...coz You know i would Love You to bits...! You wanted me to SEE You " ....and after a pause...i said again...
" It REALLY was YOU..wasnt it ? "

And the next thing i knew was...i was sobbing away..tears just flowing and i couldnt control myself. I felt like crying out loud but again i didnt want to get my aunt worried. So i just turned over and shoved my face into my pillow and continued crying for a few mins...then...i felt better and also puzzled ! hahaha...yeah i couldnt understand what it was about...but i was sure it wasnt because i was sad...or excited...i couldnt explain the feeling. Thats when i realised this, when i asked " It was You wasnt it ?" to the mountain, i heard IT say

" Yes, it  is Me, and now that you could SEE you think i could go wrong? "

That was the answer that triggered my senses. Something SO real , so HUGE, Such beauty has to be simply RIGHT. So, it is safe to put your trust in it. Thats what i learnt that night and ever since that experience i felt so much lighter , happier and calmer than i had been before.  So it was the frozen silence that spoke the loudest . So clear and to the point , you can never argue !

Though i wasnt satisfied with any of the pictures i snapped, for its too big to be contained..still just for remembrance, here are a few which i took from the balcony of our hotel :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Yogurt inspired moment :)

The pass two days had been pretty hectic at work...had too  many things in line, to be either solved , sent, received, keyed in , confirmed , printed , scanned , clarified, paid or charged...all in ONE day ! So, i was kind of getting a little dizzy with the whole scenario. But kept telling myself ... " ONE at a TIME" :) haha and somehow got almost 90 % of it done by the end of the day. So, as i was having my late lunch, wanted to have rice with plain yogurt ( the indian yogurt of course ) for some cooling effect. And no doubt i felt a lot relaxed after the awesome meal ! 

And as i got home, i about a yogurt facial as well :) hehe , yeah , since i always have loads of yogurt in my fridge i do have some splashed on my face once in a while.

So, applying some generous amount of yogurt on my face and neck, i lied down on the couch and closed  my eyes just to let it dry off and rested there for a bout 15 mins. And loved the cooling effect on my forehead  which really helped to relax the mind a bit. 

Then , at that moment , i thought about the book i was reading currently , The Aleph by Paulo Coelho.  And it suddenly dawned on me how clearly i understood the contents of the book which was triggered by that cooling off moment i had . "Aleph" according to this book meant the precise POINT where the whole universe is contained within you, and you become part of it and also the whole of it. It isnt easy to grab the idea unless you have put some thought about it for sometime. I woudnt discuss the book in this post because this is all about my yummylicious YOGURT ! :) and also because i am only halfway through the book. So, i shall save it for next time.

Coming back to my yogurt story......yeah, as i felt that calmness within me caused by the cold yogurt on my face, i thought this ...

" so what happened to all the tension i was going through the pass 2 days ? how come it just vanished in an instant? "THIS MOMENT" i am totally cooled off, and felt like the whole universe was in somekind of perfection in which i was part of. Nothing from the past nor the future would effect "THIS MOMENT" i have in hand. So what does it matter if someone shouted at you last week or if someone misunderstood you last month...or if someone betrayed you last year...or someone isnt keeping their promise they made to you ...or if you are not doing enough window shopping ...or if you couldnt plan a holiday for the next whole year....or if you have been waiting tirelessly for something to happen....or if the worst TV shows are aired just the day you are stuck at home having nothing else to do...or the book you bought doesnt make any sense...ok ok ...i think you get the idea...what i mean is...NONE of such things effects the moment you surrender to "THIS MOMENT" When you are totally with yourself, nothing else seems to matter at all. At other times we burden our heart and mind with such thoughts which we inflict upon one is responsible if we feel miserable at any time because we always have the choice of switching the mode to " PEACE AND CALM" sometimes it comes easy ( Like my yogurt moment ) but at other times we've got to put some effort to remind ourselves that nothing but OUR selves matters. And this does not mean we are selfish. Everyone deserve to be at peace, its our right ! So, making ourselves miserable does not help anyone at all but staying happy and peaceful does !! "

Now seriously...thats quite a lot of thought to be inspired by plain YOGURT, dont you think? hahaha yeah...but thats life, always revealing itself in the simplest of moments! It just waits to pounce on you when you are least alert. So watch out for such simple moments ! 

And have some YOGURT today :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

From Taiping to Titlis :)

If you noticed my profile picture for this blog, it is me jumping by the lake garden in Taiping Perak , Malaysia. That was my first experience doing those jumping poses. I never thought i could do it. But during that trip 2 years back with my beautiful friends from KL, one of them, Kym gave us the idea of how to do it. So she started jumping and i was snapping her pictures and was amazed at how lovely the pictures turned out. So we all got excited and started jumping together . Thats how i got that first jumping pose! Then, i kind off encouraged other friends to do it whenever we got the opportunity and a good backdrop. 

And this time , during my trip to Europe, i couldnt help doing the jumping poses again everywhere i go, you cant blame me, with the kind of backdrops you get over there you might even attempt a "floating in the air" pose !  

First it was at Dunstable, a beautiful town about an hour from London, and there are rolling hills and meadows here SO gorgeous you cant help jumping around...! And here i made our friend from Dunstable try it as well , and she enjoyed it so much and came up with interesting ideas like jumping off the cliff as in the pic above :) 

Then...we were in Switzerland, at Mt Titlis......gosh ! need i say more ! So here i go again .... at first we were wandering if it was a good idea to do it there as it was pretty slippery even to just walk on. We kept tripping over the snow for every 2 to 3 steps...but then decided we simply got to try it ...and when i see the pictures now ...I am SO glad we did ! Worth the risk and effort ! Well, thats the highest point ive jumped off so far and definitely helped to keep ourselves warm :)

Looks like now ive got a new jump around the world :) Thanks to my friend Kym who started this in Taiping! hehehe yeah, hope to see more breathtaking places so i could keep jumping ! 

So, next time you see a place worth jumping off ....dont think twice ! yeah of course you will get some spectators laughing at you ! but who cares ...its your life ! Your Jump ! Just do it and You will love it ! And  if you try it, you will know that it is impossible not to smile while you do these jumping every picture turns out with your best smile coz you just cant help it ! Its is a joyful experience. So....up for a jump ! ? :)