I was sobbing away, shoved my face into the pillow as hard as i could coz i didnt want to freak out my aunt and cousin who was sleeping on the other side of the room, in Engelberg, Switzerland. We checked into that hotel about 3 hours ago. I couldnt describe the awesome view we had at our balcony, the glaciers melting down frozen, pine trees in the coolest shades of green , the alpine meadows and above all the sound of the swiss cowbells !! yes you keep hearing the bells even when you couldnt spot the cows. A scene like out of a fairy tale and yet it was for real. How serene, how HUGE, and yet how calm nature can be...all at one time.
I stood at the balcony spellbound , absorbing every inch of it so i would remember it forever...for i know no pictures will ever be able to reflect the true sense of beauty i was looking at. After a while it got misty and dark and i coudnt see the mountains anymore. I was eager to see it again in the morning. So decided to sleep well through the night so i could be up early.
So we all went to bed, i was in my separated side of the room tucked into the very cozy bed. Closed my eyes and there it was ! standing tall , frozen in absolute silence, the mountains ....the picture i had absorbed every inch that evening just popped up and it wont go away even if i tried. Looking at it...i tried to sleep...but i couldnt. So i started to talking to it ...strangely the first words that came out was...
" It was You wasnt it ?? It was You who called me here...fabricated this whole tour across thousands of miles away...coz You know i would Love You to bits...! You wanted me to SEE You " ....and after a pause...i said again...
" It REALLY was YOU..wasnt it ? "
And the next thing i knew was...i was sobbing away..tears just flowing and i couldnt control myself. I felt like crying out loud but again i didnt want to get my aunt worried. So i just turned over and shoved my face into my pillow and continued crying for a few mins...then...i felt better and also puzzled ! hahaha...yeah i couldnt understand what it was about...but i was sure it wasnt because i was sad...or excited...i couldnt explain the feeling. Thats when i realised this, when i asked " It was You wasnt it ?" to the mountain, i heard IT say
" Yes, it is Me, and now that you could SEE Me...do you think i could go wrong? "
Though i wasnt satisfied with any of the pictures i snapped, for its too big to be contained..still just for remembrance, here are a few which i took from the balcony of our hotel :)