Ever wished you were princess...?? To have it ALL ...? Treated like a queen?? To live in a Palace? Would life be PERFECT then ?
If you read The story of the Queen's childhood by her nanny, Marion Crawford " THE LITTLE PRINCESSES" its the story of Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, then you might change your mind . The story begins when they were aged 5 and 2.
And what did they have for a toy? Something which most of us would not even dare dream to have....yes, a Little House presented by the people of Wales with nicely matured garden growing up around it . The house was built to scale for children and its complete with every detail, curtains , plumbing that works, lights , a drawing room, oak dresser, bookshelves , even a kitchen with every possible utensils, cooking pots and canned goods ALL in miniature !!!!! The roof is restructured every 3 to 4 years to fit the growing princesses...!! Now...werent they the LUCKIEST KIDS On EARTH ??? But wait...
Guess what they longed for...
To be able to make friends with other children they see when they take a walk in the park ...the other children are almost mystic beings from a different world coz the princesses are never encouraged to play with them...
And what did they think was FUN ?
When the princesses saw people streaming out of the underground station , Elizebeth says " Oh dear, what fun it must be to ride in those trains "....so the nanny arranged with the Duke to let the children take a trip on the train. The children excitedly bought their own tickets ( which they thought was part of the fun) had tea out of tea cups , tea which you paid for with money , these were wanderful treats they thought. BUt this fun did not last long coz soon people started recognizing them and the crowds began to form. So a car was sent from the Duke's garage and they were brought home immediately.
NOw....is it too much for kids to ask for a train ride and a cup of tea they bought themselves?
Something which MOST of us do EVERY day...and think it is a hassle...let alone FUN!
SO...being a PRINCESS doesnt solve the problem...does it ? And we have no idea what others are going through no matter how PERFECT their life seem to appear..
So...its a fact that EVERYONE...no matter where they are in life..is always lacking something ( Or so we think)...the truth is life is made WHOLE by fitting in ones imperfections with someone else's perfections......you have something...and so do i ! You lack something and so do i ! So we are a huge jigsaw puzzle to be fitted together to make life WHOLE...lets keep working on it , and lets do it for FUN :)