Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Unlocking the soundproof room..

Hmm i was thinking....

We are made out of a SUDDEN....get a heart beat out of NO WHERE...we start breathing effortlessly as though we have been doing it all our lives ..then we come into this world and minute by minute...hour by by day and year by year...we start forgetting our natural self...we forget that we started walking ....speaking...singing...dancing....playing ...all by ourselves..we did not need schools to teach that ...we had no rules to examples...nothing...we walked simply because we DIDNT THINK WE CANNOT. Now thats the SUPER POWER called INSTINCTS ...we were okay for as long we were guided by the instincts...we were doing ABSOLUTELY GREAT !!!

THEN ????

The whole trouble starts...we start imitating our parents or any adults ...we start listening to what they have to say...we go to school...we follow RULES...and we try to FIT into ONE CULTURE...we start living to meet expectations of people around us and suddenly one day we realise...the INSTINCTS have stopped guiding us...coz we dont listen anymore...our heads are CONSTANTLY BUZZING with thoughts generated by the outer world...that we COMPLETELY STOP looking within for the answers....

THEN ????

We start complaining that things go wrong in our life...? do u aspect it to be right when we WONT LISTEN to our INSTINCTS which at that moment is most likely SCREAMING out helplessly from a sound proof room trapped too deep down our heart
But NO ! we dont EVEN hear this SCREAM coz our heads are BUZZING with thoughts...

THEN ???

We obviously take the wrong actions...we make the wrong decisions...we walk the wrong ways...and it all gets knotted into a messy path...and suddenly we are LOST !!!! and we stand mystified asking ourselves "HOW ON EARTH DID I GET HERE ??

THEN ???

Our hearts starts SEARCHING for the bumps into an answer which leads to MORE we search again...and the process goes on and on...till one final MOMENT u see the SPARK...!!

THEN ???

That tiny spark leads you to the new start seeing things see everything thats going on behind the after another...the world reveals itself...NOW u get excited...and say " GOOD DID i MISS THIS ?"...

Then ???

The magical journey begins...the journey called LIFE! WE unlock the soundproof room and let our INSTINCTS guide us again...!!

Then ??

i really dont know then what ....i cant see beyond this level yet...i hope to see more !!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Somewhere last week...i suddenly had this thought...

" Wouldnt it be great if theres was an anaesthesia for the heart??" i decided to put this question on my Facebook as my status : and the respond was pretty i thought i would share the conversation here....


Chocky : U can always get a tiny non lethal dosage every now and then .... it is FOC ...

ME : True....

ME : u meant "Love" ?..errm...i assumed thats wat u meant and said true...hahaha...

Chocky: actually NO .... love excites the heart ... not numb it ....

ME : very wats that tiny non lethal dosage FOC u r talking about huh? hahaha....i would love to kno... :)

Pavithra : want to know too...

Chocky : "I-G-N-O-R-A-N-C-E ------ I Give No One Reasons And No Craps Either .... hehehehhehe"

ME : hmm interesting....i was thinking...only lots of pain can numb u from further Pain itself IS the Anaesthesia to Pain...once u had enough dosage of it....u wil be free of pain :) ooops sorry i kno u said NO CRAPS...but i cant help it ! hahahaha....

Chocky : Pain is the catalyst to more Pain...Anasthesia is a temp relief, and it is Expensive and need prescriptions from the doctors....CRAPS is ... Cussing, Raving, Arguing, Pissing, Swearing ... that provides much anedote for many symptons tht may lead to Pain, but if there is NO CRAPS ... well .... it is a silent protest that nobody can retorts ... hehehehehhe :o)"

ME : Waah Chocky...! u are getting quite technical with this ...i cant keep up la... :0 .... but i wil try ...hahahahaPain is always a choice ma...... its up to us to choose between being HAPPY / In PAIN / NUMB so its the MIND that decides isnt it ? can i say....the MIND determines the dose of anaesthesia we give ourselves....?

Chocky : "When your mind battle with the heart .... I wish you all the best in deciding what to do next hehhehehhee :o)"

Lavania : "Yes... that would be awesome! I wish i could remove it and keep it in somewhere safe... with reinforced, state of the art steel chambers... and yet everytime i feel love... it feels sooooooooooo good... how can i not have a heart?"

Chocky : "Hi, Lavaniya , May i suggest tht you use titanium coating istead of the state of art steel chambers Titanium is 45% lighter than steel, 2x stronger than aluminum. Now you will be protected and also light hearted. :o)"

Me : Yes feels good to love because the heart was designed just for that....and theres pain everytime we try to install something else... :) BRILLIANT idea chocky!!! erm but i guess we would behave like transformers then....strong but compassionate huh?....hahhahaha....

Chocky : Earth People .. welcome to Crankopots .. Together we stand in strong Anaesthesistical alliance against the rutheless Emoticons of the world. hehehehehehehhe .... TRANSFORM@-@ .... :O)

Lavania : "you guys are funny! i understand the much pain = numbness= no pain.... been there done that! and chocky you're a wise man! ... and wise words are normally difficult to understand! hehe.. and you're funny too :)"

Me : woooops....Chocky not only that we have transformed into have now become a MAN ??....hahahaha

Lavania : so what's your transformers name chocky n anu? mine is Titaniumite :)

Lavania : chocky is a girl? oh sorryyyyyyy!

Chocky : We Crankopotians, we aint sexual prejudice ... A Man in translation means strong mentally and physically, thus it is a compliment. As much as I would be complimented in been called Insane , for insanity is fun without boundaries of fear. heheheheheheheh

Lavania : chocky... you're awesome... man, women or trans.. !!!

Chocky : Titaniumite, u have a heart of gold, and how precious u

Lavania : anu, r u going for ramli's performance today?

ME : Hahaha Titaniumite ..u brought me back to earth....hmm no i cant make it today la.... wish i could... :( r u going..?

Chocky : when u all are in need of aid .. shout for me ... I ... am .... OptimaCrank .... :o)Back to wiping off Psychopatians .....

Lavania : OptimaCrank the leader of the crankopots, defender of the universe! Hehehe

Lavania : Titaniumite will be going for Ramli's performance tonite... have to protect master Ramli witwicky!

Chocky : We will be watching over you, Titaniumite. Our Titaniums are with u.I think Anu is remaining as our Earthlinks. Hehehehehhee

ME : Hey noo...i was just away checking if our new base on earth was safe for the Crankopots...CLEAR !! This is PrimeShield reporting for the crankopotians frm earth...stay tuned :)

Chocky : Well done, PrimeShield ....Command Centre is ready for all transmission.You will man the Earth Base..While, Titaniumite will protect master Ramli witwickyTogether with my fellow Crankopotians, we will keep a keen look out for Psychopatians ....

ME : Hey crankopots , Our conversation has been bugged !!Suspect detected : PAVITHRA DEVI ( follow the thread to identify) Calling Pavithra, do you hear the crankopots ? please identify urself or we will be out to defend the Earth again !---PrimeShield ----

Lavania : Titaniumite reporting for duty... Good CRANKS fellow Crankopots... WELCOME ONBOARD PRIMESHIELD! You man the earth base well! The suspect Pavithra devi, GONE?My assignment...successful! Master Ramli Witwicky... SAFE.. the audience screened... and the earthlings mesmerized! The message sent "the cosmic energy pulsating thru every beat of life on earth" Some got the message, others ignorant bliss. We are discrete in trying to enlighten these EARTHLINGS!!! The message shall NOT reach the Psychopathians

Master witwicky is off to OTTAWA, Canada…to transmitt the message to fellow earthlinks in the northern hemisphere. You have my pledge to keep him safe .

ME : Congratulations Titaniumite...your mission accomplished !Good to know Master Witwicky's message was well received !I am sure some of the audience would have had the EMOTICON impact ...its a good start to make more Crankopots lets wish him all the best in his mission in Canada ! As for the suspect Pavithra devi....still in passive danger detected...could be just an earthlink drawn to the vibes of super powered crankopots. will just keep an eye

Chocky : Congratulations to Titaniumite in protecting Master Witwicky.Well done Primeshield, u have done well at Command Centre.We must continue to monitor the hibernation of Pavitra devi. We would rather have 1 on our side, than on Psychopathians

PAvithra : oh my, what on earth? Now I am totally going into passive mode. U people made crankopots sound so intelligent.

And I am a suspect??? Of what, what could I possibly do to whatever robotics u people have turned into.

Buzzing OptimaCrank and Titaniumite :The mysterious earthlink has finally responded and appears to be utterly dazed.----PrimeShield awaiting further command from OptimaCrank in handling the suspect @-@

Chocky : She is civilian of the Earth. Protect at all time always.

PrimeShield and Titaniumite, with yr constant supervision, she will be safe from harm of Psychopathians.

PAvithra : I AM SAFE!!!!from the do u spell this word?

Chocky : Good day, Pavithra, this is OptimaCrank. The leader of Crankopots.
Why are you away from the sentry of Primeshield. It is late and you must not wander. Psychopathians maybe lurking around ... they are dangerous.

Pavithra : i think primeshield is fast asleep instead of taking care of me.These psycho things what do they do?

Chocky : Psychopathians hurt earthlings in many ways, they know. Besides physical inflictions, they also induce mental and emotional disturbance. We are aware of its existence zillion existence years of Planet.

PAvithra : Boss, opppps, optimacrank.... primeshield is still sleeping. No one to babysit me!!!!!

Chocky : Worry not Pavithra, visual scan done at yr perimeters and enforced security. No Psychopathians on radar. I have taken the privilege to check yr database, and u r not alone. U r guarded by a knight of yr choice :o)

Primeshield is not on duty today. On Earth, u have rule for rest day. We observe yr rituals and respect them :o)

Anuratha : PrimeShield reporting for duty - Good to kno Pavithra is well acquainted with you OptimaCrank. I was on "Non Appearance" mode for the past 2 days as i was trying to stay undercover to capture more psychopaths. Thanks for taking charge on my behalf. I will take over from now.
(And Pavithra... crankchocopots!!????? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ....)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


All the while most of us thought life is getting simpler day by day having human beings creating so many things to make life simpler....machines, robots, phones and almost everything controlled by computers....sensors...water flows out of the tap without having to turn it on....toilet flushes by itself....doors opens by itself....bills are paid conferencing, autopay machines, drive through counters and even a car that parks itself and endless other things made easier with less effort and life was supposedly becoming simpler right...but wait !!....r u sure about this...?!!! See if you feel the same way after reading whats below :

Theres an interesting fact discussed in the book Shantaram, listen to this......

"the first moments after that great expansion (the big bang) from the first fractions of the attoseconds, the universe was like a rich soup made out of simple bits of things. Those bits were so simple that they were not even atoms yet. As the universe expanded and cooled down these very tiny bits of things came together to make particles. Then the particles came together to make the first of atoms. Then the atoms came together to make molecules. Then the molecules came together to make the stars. Those first stars went through their cycles and exploded in a shower of new atoms. The new atoms came together to make more stars and planets. All the stuff we are made of came from those dying stars. We are made out of stars!

None of these processes, none of these coming together actions are random events. The universe has a nature to combine and to build and to become more complex !!!If the circumstances are right, bits of matter will come together to make more complex arrangements...thats how the universe works and this moving towards order has a name. In the western science it is called TENDENCY TOWARDS COMPLEXITY !! So the universe has been always more complex since it began. It has been getting more complex for about 15 billion years ....its moving towards something...somekind of ULTIMATE COMPLEXITY. We mite not get there niether will the atoms or a leaf or a man. ANd that final complexity that we are all moving toward to is what i choose to call GOD ! IF you dont like the word GOD, call it Ultimate Complexity....whatever you call it...the whole universe is moving towards it !"

As i read this part....i put the book away for a while ...too amazed at the fact and was thinking.....

So while the human beings are working around the clock to make life "easier"...we have failed to look behind the screen where the opposite is happening ....MY goodness !!!!! life is actually going both ways in the same path...!!! and when the day comes and it collides......ANOTHER BIG BANG !!! and another world created with different features how interesting is that ????

though its just a makes SENSE !!

this is an explaination i am hearing for the first time so me interesting !